Is Anybody Going to San Antone?


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Just like the classic Charlie Pride song, anyone else going to the FNAWS show in San Antonio TX, March 2-5. This year will be the best ever. 3 -3/4 slam and 2 -1/2 slam drawings for those in attendance. As of the last Wild Sheep magazine there were only 10 registered 1/2 slam (those with 2 of the 4 sheep in the grand slam) participants. I quickly turned in my application so I could be involved in this drawing. I would win a free Stone Sheep hunt if I am lucky enough to draw! Pretty good odds, wouldn't you say? There are about 300 people registered for the 3/4 slam, most needing a Desert Sheep to complete their slam. Still pretty good odds for a free sheep hunt. Hope to see some of you there.

I have the propaganda sitting on the dash of my truck. Don't know if I'll have a chance to go though. Probably won't know until the last minute. :(

I'm confused about the drawings though. I thought I read somewhere that the 3/4 slam drawing was only for a bighorn or a desert. Am I AFU on this? :confused: It would be really :cool: if I could win a Stone sheep hunt.

This year the 3/4 slam drawing is good for what ever sheep you need. If you need a stone, that's the hunt you'll win. Make sure you apply in advance since there is a fair amount of documentation required. Licenses, pictures, ect.. Then if you can attend at the last minute or in future years, your good to go. Several years ago, a guy from B. C. was drawn and was not at the banquet, so another name was drawn. I bet that guy was bummed!
I'm not... But I'm going to the DHI (Der Hunters of Idaho) Banquet on Feb 26th in Nampa Idaho. I hear they have hunts, Guns and An awsome stud getting up on Stage to talk ... :D

Have fun at the banquet !!!!!
$315 whew. There's cheaper hotels than that and they're near the downtown river where those are also. I live here. There's a neat display of taxidermy work from the Lone Star Brewery. Its called Hall of Horns and it downtown.

Your town's hotels sure are spendy! I booked with the La Quinta at $119 per night with the FNAWS discount. Still the most I've ever spent on a nights stay to date. Never been to TX and am looking forward to it.

BHR- I'm guessing to be in the 1/2 slam draw you have to already have a 1/2 slam and so forth for the 3/4 slam? If that's true, which two species do you have? Any pics/stories to share?? :D
How's $44?

Unless you just like to spend money, there's better deals.

Days Inn downtown is $44. There's others way cheaper than those pricey ones too.

My brother is the bartender at one of the restaurant bars in the host hotel.

Lets plan something, if you want?
Heck, 119-44=75/day. 2-5=4 days, you might save $300.

The out of state 5 day hunting liscense for javelina and hogs and exotics is $45, that leaves $255 for a hunt.

Want to go hunt something?
Ok, stupid question. Well....maybe just lazy. :rolleyes:

Since the breakup of GSC and FNAWS, are they each running their own "slams"? Or are they cooperating?

In other words, if you want to register a slam, is it one or the other or both? :confused:

I have a Yukon Dall, and a Idaho Bighorn of which I posted photos a year or so ago.


I'll check out your hotel link, thanks! I'm only going to be in town for 3 days and my parents will be meeting up with me from FL. No hunting on this trip.


You have to register for FNAWS and GSO seperate. I don't know how the break up will effect either organization. Probably will hurt both in the long run. For what it's worth, when my GSO membership expires, I'm done with them.

I just checked out the Days Inn rate for that time of year. $117 dollars! You guys must think us sheep hunters are rich or something!
Heck, this link says their rates are $39 and up.

Try calling them. At $120, you could afford to go to a motel 6 on the outskirts of town, get a rental car, and drive wherever you want, and save money. We have Motel 6 here, get one of those maybe? Maybe call the Days Inn and tell them about the link with $39 and ask them how to get that rate. Heck I"ll call them right now and post, its a local call for me. Back in a few minutes.

Here's what the guy at the desk told me. The rate depends on availability, so if there are a bunch of conventions scheduled wanting a bunch of rooms, the availability is low and the price is high. March is a great time of year here, lots of conventions, so high rates.

He also said the way to get the best rate is to book on the computer, not with him on the phone. The Days Inn on Laredo street, also near your convention is $90 on the computer right now for me in March. You could save some there.

I think going to a Motel 6 and a rental car will be better. Rent a Heap Cheap, try that. There's several car rentals right by the airport with shuttles. Are you flying or driving?

Here you go, has a downtown room in March for $66. Unless you got a car for less than $20/day, I don't think you'd do better being away from downtown.


Its probably cheaper to book online with them too, I don't know. If you go to with that address you can see how far you'd have to walk, I don't think its far, plus there is like a $0.10, maybe up to a $0.25 downtown tourist trolley to get all over down there.

The Mexican market, the riverwalk, The Alamo, etc. You can walk to them all though, if you stay downtown. Search &searchtab=address

The star is where this Motel 6 is, the Hilton is 7-8 blocks away on the river where the loop meets the main river going south. Market square has some great restaurants and Mexican gift shops, etc, right by this motel 6 for $66.

That cheap tourist trolley goes to Market Square all the time. 120-66=$54 savings per day. A little walking, but that's fine.

Thanks for do all this rate checking for me but I think I'll stick with the La Quinta for now. I want to be within close walking distance to the convention center. Never know when a guy might want to tip a few.


There's two fun bars on the riverwalk. Dirty Nelly's at one end and Dick's Last Resort at the other end. Dirty Nelly's has a piano player and they give out words for Irish songs to sing along with. One of my favorites, is "Seven Old Ladies in a Lavatory" Dick's Last Resort has drinks that they sell with a helium filled condom attached.

Casa Rio on the river is the best deal restaurant, its been there forever and is decent priced, not so touristy. Good Mexican food. Shilos is right above them on the street level and is some decent German food. They have a frozen margarita machine in the upstairs bar at Casa Rio. Those margaritas are good, but its hard to drink more than one of them.

Ask me something, I'll tell you if I know.
Thanks Tom,

I think I'll pass on the helium filled condoms. I am looking forward to some good Mexican food and the Casa Rio sounds great.

Dick's Last Resort.

Its a regular bar, its not full of those, but when a women gets surprised with one of those its an event. They have wet t-shirt contests, bra's are found hanging in the bar, its a wild place pretty late at night on some weekends, I heard.

The Irish pub, Dirty Nelly's, is more calm, but fun. They have peanuts too, you just throw the shells on the ground, fill up your bowl, etc. The piano player has a big mirror in front of him, so he can see a lot of the croud and he interacts with them too.

Casa Rio! Good choice. They have the river barge ride right near there too.
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