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Iraq perspective

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Subject: A matter of perspective.

I am not condoning what happened to the Iraqi prisoners however, I think
it is vitally important that in my head I have these matters in proper

*Saddam had Iraqi men, women and children put to death in human meat
grinders on a daily basis.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

*Saddam had people thrown off of 3 - 4 story buildings, while their
relatives were forced to watch.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

* Saddam had people's tongues cut out, limbs chopped off, and even
beheaded, while their families were forced to watch.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

* Saddam's sons, as well as other administrators and military personnel
raped and sodomized Iraqi girls, some as young as 8 years old, on a
daily basis.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

* Saddam's regime indiscriminately put to death millions of Iraqi
citizens on a daily basis, during the term of his brutal dictatorship,
as evidenced by the mass graves uncovered in various parts of Iraq.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

* Terrorists recently exploded several car bombs in Baghdad, killing 17
innocent Iraqi children and several dozen innocent Iraqi citizens.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

* Terrorists have been killing American/Coalition soldiers on a daily
basis since we sent our troops, many of whom gave their lives on Iraqi
soil, using US taxpayer dollars to liberate the Iraqi people.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

*Four Americans were killed in Fallujah, their bodies were burned,
mutilated, dragged through the streets and hung on a bridge, while Iraqi
people cheered and stoned the bodies.

No Outcry From The Iraqi People Or The Arab Community.

*Now, a few Iraqi prisoners have been humiliated (poor babies).a pair of
women's underwear put on the prisoners heads and a few naked

And The Iraqi People And The Entire Arab Community Go Ballistic. Give Me
A Break!

As said, I don't condone what happened to the prisoners, but until the
Iraqi's and the Arab Community gets their act together. I wish the
American news elite would stop being part of the problem and stop using
this story to the benefit of the Arab community.

I don't want my president to apologize to the Arabs for anything! We are
at war!

If anyone has access to the President or their Senators and
Representatives, you might want to forward this if you agree, if not
just delete.
To a large extent, I agree. I also feel that we should hold ourselves to a higher standard than that displayed by the terrorists and to some extent, the Arab world. Just because we are at war does not excuse all behavior. We would not be justified in using the wood chippers ourselves just because we are at war or because they did it.

But the "prisoner scandal" is a crock - some people went overboard, but hardly in a category at all comparable to what Saddam did. Humiliation is one thing - physical torture is something else. Frankly, most of those involved in the prisoner abuses should just be punished at a level like 30 days in the brig, reduction in paygrade or even dishonorable discharge - but I don't think prison time is called for.

But that's just me...
You have them in perspective! Two wrongs never make a right, but; in this scenario we are comparing strawberries to canteloupe!
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