Introduction and NM elk tag


New member
Jun 20, 2016
New Mexico
Hello all.

New to this forum and new to bow hunting in general. I'm an old rifle deer hunter, but it's been about a decade since my last hunt ... so I'm approaching this as a newbe, because I essentially am.

I drew elk for NM GMU21a.

Back in the day, I had success with Whitetail and Muleys by Chloride, but I don't recall ever seeing an elk. Bear, yes ... elk? I just can't scratch a memory of one.

Here's what I'v done:

Google earth: lots of steep terrain down by Chloride/Hermosa. There are a couple of perennial streams down there, so there should be food/water and the terrain can provide shelter. I"m having issues locating a good spot where rutting would occur.

I have been told that people have success near Reed's Peak ... but there's nothing obvious in GE that would give me a hint of where. To me, it looks better a bit south of there.

I've heard echos of people going north of Winston, but the access to that area seems a bit "too easy" ... hunting pressure. What about water sources up there?

Anyone who has some knowledge of the area for elk, I'm all ears.

Meanwhile I can't hardly wait to get boots on the ground to see what I can find.
They are in there now for sure.
Never hunted it but but been in & around. Big problem is limited access & steep/rough terrain.
Brushy,desert country mostly.
Finding water sources is key. There are springs & many stock tanks can be found,maybe ....maybe not dry.
Talk with Kevin Rodin in the Cruces G&F office.
Heard talk of the road out of Winston being locked,which is one of the only ways in...but I know folks who have a key,in the shape of a
Call BLM in Soccorro,State Lands office too.
BLM,FS & G&F have a good online map system with marked gates that should be open, but sometimes not.
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Thank you, sir.

I'll check out the resources for the gate information. I have seen a number from Google earth, but unsure what the access is.

When I called the forest ranger office I was quickly routed to the Black Forest office in T or C. Renee seemed familiar with the area and recommended entry through Hermosa ... I just keep looking at the map and wondering why not access by McKnight cabin. Especially since Renee told me the closer to the continental divide, the better for elk. He also mentioned a couple of perennial water streams, but I somehow didn't write it down.

Seems like I have a few calls and more maps to gaze at.

I can't say how excited I am for this hunt ... Wondering about the full moon phase and Corey Jacobsen's ideas on the mid-day madness.
preliminary scouting trip

They are in there now for sure.
Never hunted it but but been in & around. Big problem is limited access & steep/rough terrain.
Brushy,desert country mostly.
Finding water sources is key. There are springs & many stock tanks can be found,maybe ....maybe not dry.
Talk with Kevin Rodin in the Cruces G&F office.
Heard talk of the road out of Winston being locked,which is one of the only ways in...but I know folks who have a key,in the shape of a
Call BLM in Soccorro,State Lands office too.
BLM,FS & G&F have a good online map system with marked gates that should be open, but sometimes not.

I called Cruces G&F. While I was not able to talk with Kevin, I did talk with a gent that was helpful. Both he and the FS gent tell me to stay north of the Animas ... that seemed like good advice.

I started in the Hermosa area, while I did spot plenty of elk sign I mostly laid eyes on mule deer. Not a bad sign in itself, but i was hoping to see some elk even if at a long distance. I thought that the ranch to the east with its multitude of water tanks would be a big draw for elk, but I saw nothing.

After that I headed north.

Take a look at what I spotted.

A whole herd!

I need to talk to the FS service person again about access points and travel limits wishing the forest. While I was wandering around up there I found myself a bit confused. I also worry about it being popular as there seem to be many more accessible two track vs mid or south unit.

I've not had the opportunity to talk with the biologist at the socorro office yet, but now that I have some more ideas I hope that conversation will be filled with ideas.

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