HOME,... Home in the Hills... where the normal man don't go to get thrills.
It is seldomly heard a disturbing word,
But when jim goeos you hear a big turd....
Uhhh That was dumb
You gonig to take a few more pictures ? I think they have color in AK now
Sheep opens sunday. I just picked up my tag as well as for moose (24th) and an early caribou hunts (10th & 15th. Hope to sneak up into the hills next week if it will cool down a bit. Temps are now too warm whereas just last week it was below freezing with new snow on the mountains!
hey jim, good luck, im sure ill not track you down before you take off. iam leaving for my stone sheep hunt in 8 days, and cant wait. wanted to talk to you before i left so make yourselfnot so scarce...later billy goat...