Caribou Gear

I'm in Anchor-town


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Hey guys

Made it to Anchorage early this morning. Rested up all day and just went down the road for a bite to eat...sunshine and hot for Alaska standards. I'll be hitting the road tonight or early morning for the Gulkana river. Gonna do an overnight fishing trip for Kings and Reds.


I'll call you Monday or Tuesday if you want to try and get together some time in the next two weeks.

Way to go Ovis, glad you made it safe and sound... Keep us updated... Especially on the fishing, not to many people post pics of fish on this board... ;) :D
Glad you made it safely. Looking forward to seeing some great pictures.
Have a safe trip and have fun, Ovis...

As long as you are in Anchortown are you going to visit the Bush Company..??..
Are you going to stop by Ketchikan and finish up that Spring Bear hunt?

They are still taking some very nice Bears around here.
KC, the gulkana is on the east side of the state in the wrangells. just north of glenallen on the richardson highway. Its about a 3hour drive from anchorage.

Jim, give me a hollar anytime. you got my cell number at work.
Great trip this weekend...great trip for floating the river. Fishing was poor. The river was muddy and running high. I managed to land a whopping 10" grayling, so did another guy. That was it for weekend. Might try floating the river again next weekend, but will check out the conditions before I leave. I wouldn't mind getting into some halibut action, but I can't do it all in two weeks and with only two weekends to actually do extended trips.

Forgot to set my camera to high resolution, so my pics are piss poor, but I'll post a few. I don't feel too bad since I didn't really get any magical shots.


I have the raft all squared away for September. Are you still in?


I'll give you a buzz this week. Are you off any particular day?
Here are the pics...

Elkgunner, this is our raft (the entire frame is not assembled here. There are actually two seats.



Jim, I work mon-fri so I only have weekends off (this job sucks :mad: ). I know tam mentioned she wanted to go fishing this weekend and 1 night during the week I'm gonna go and investigate a new area for fall bear hunting with a buddy.

Give a hollar and we can work something out.

Pics looks good. went riding at bird creek today and it was abnormally high also, considering break-up is over and we havent gotton that much rain lately.

Hey bud. I received your message, but didn't hear anything from you yesterday. I pressume you were pretty busy. I'll be here until next Saturday a.m., so we still have some time.

This weekend I am going to try and get in some quality fishing time. My buddy offered to have me back out on the Gulkana, but the fishing looks questionable. I think I am going to plop the $120 down to fish the Deshka guided. ADF&G just upped the limit to two a day and four in possession there. I wanted to fish for halibut, but the seas look high the day they have available, so I don't want to risk getting my hopes up for them to say we can't go out. I've got a buddy who knows someone who will sell me some halibut "on the hoof" for $3 a lb. Might buy about 25 lbs and call it good. Not near as fun as hook'n into them, but nonetheless some meat in the freezer. Whichever day I fish the Deshka, I'll likely spend the other day down on the Kenai for the sights and some more fishing. I'll hit Shit Creek during the weekdays next week, and possibly today for high tide.

So that be the plans. Where are you and Tam going fishing at this weekend?
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