If you had 14 days of vaca left to burn and a retired dad, which would you pick...

Which hunt would you choose?

  • Hunt #3 - WY Archery and General Season Deer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hunt #4 - MT Mule Deer (General Season)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2015
West of the Rockies
My dad and I are planning our 2017 hunt, our third DIY hunt other than our WY antelope and unsuccessful CO elk. We thought we had it figured out with a WY mule deer/antelope combo hunt, hunting the last week and a half of archery and opening week of the general season in a LQ unit. Well... the more we look into things the more doors we open and now we have too many ideas for a hunt.

We can either lump it into one big hunt or split it up into two smaller hunts. If we do one hunt there will only be 2-3 days of vacation burnt up due to travel, we drive straight thru, which would leave me 11-12 week days of hunting and weekends on top of that. If I do 2 hunts I'll burn 4-5 days of vacation due to travel so I may fly and meet him out there, which would leave me with (2) 5-7 day hunts and travelling back home on the weekend. See below for a list of our options and let me know what you guys think:

Hunt option #1
Wyoming Antelope and Mule Deer
Deer in a limited quota unit
Antelope in an easy draw unit adjacent to LQ unit
Hunt last week and a half of archery then following week of general

Hunt Option #2
Wyoming Mule Deer
Deer hunt a region w/ a later general season
Hunt the full 2 weeks of the general season

Hunt Option #3
Wyoming Mule Deer
Deer hunt a region w/ a later general season
Go out in early September for a week of archery
Return end of october for the last week of the general season

Hunt Option #4
Montana Mule Deer
SE Montana
Hunt the either the middle chunk of the season or last 2.5 weeks

Hunt Option #5(least knowledgeable on but throwing it in)
Montana Elk and Deer Combo
Hunt the either the middle chunk of the season or last 2.5 weeks
Not sure on logistics of elk and deer not being in the same area

Hunt Option #6(again knowledgeable on but throwing it in)
Montana Elk and Deer Combo
Archery elk a week in september
return in november for rifle mule deer

Additional Notes:
- We're looking for opportunity over quality
- My dad is 65 but is in fairly good shape, bikes and runs every day
- No ATVs
- We'll be staying in a wall tent
- Looking for an exciting trip with my dad
- No PP in MT and only a point for Deer in WY

Thanks Guys!
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With 2.5 weeks, I'd be tempted to get that easy-draw antelope tag and shoot one on your way to Hunt #5 for a western tri-fecta.
I'm not sure where your traveling from but I would go for option #6. 5-7 days is a decent amount of time and you would be hunting both elk and deer during the rut, you can't beat that opportunity! Plus, I think tags should be fairly easy to get. Option #5 is possible if you do your research and can draw the right tags. You don't need 2.5 weeks to fill a tag for option #3, 1 week in SE MT should be enough, unless your picky.
#5... Also some advise, If you see a good one on the second day of your vacation shoot it.. Better advise if you run in to 13 more during the rest of your vacation, don't pass on those hoping to see the one you passed on the second day again..
With 2.5 weeks, I'd be tempted to get that easy-draw antelope tag and shoot one on your way to Hunt #5 for a western tri-fecta.

lol don't throw another one in the mix. I'd love that, maybe when I have over 3 weeks of vacation.
I'm not sure where your traveling from but I would go for option #6. 5-7 days is a decent amount of time and you would be hunting both elk and deer during the rut, you can't beat that opportunity! Plus, I think tags should be fairly easy to get. Option #5 is possible if you do your research and can draw the right tags. You don't need 2.5 weeks to fill a tag for option #3, 1 week in SE MT should be enough, unless your picky.

I'm coming from eastern PA.

My concern with the Montana deer and elk hunts, is that I feel we'd be way in over our heads this late in the game, having 3 months until the app deadline and no experience hunting either animal. WY I have a better feel for the regions and units, antelope hunting we've done before and I'm confident on that. The mule deer part I'd be a little skeptical but if we hunt it the week before in archery, at least that'll give us time to find them and get on them for opening day of the general season.

I guess I climb in my shell of comfort and don't branch out, maybe I need to make that change this year. Hunt the harder hunts now while my dad is younger, 65, and save the antelope and early general deer season hunts for when he's older and less capable.
#6 is a no brainer, Hunt for elk and when you find a decent enough deer you shoot it. You can put in for it, but for 1k apiece you can just buy it OTC from my understanding.

If you and your dad take turns driving, from east coast it, s a 3 day drive max, still leaves you 10-11 days of hunting.

Also I think there is a week between archery and general season of no hunting. So pick your poison and go with either weapon, Id choose rifle for first time for this hunt unless you all are die hard stick flingers.
#6 is a no brainer, Hunt for elk and when you find a decent enough deer you shoot it. You can put in for it, but for 1k apiece you can just buy it OTC from my understanding.

If you and your dad take turns driving, from east coast it, s a 3 day drive max, still leaves you 10-11 days of hunting.

Also I think there is a week between archery and general season of no hunting. So pick your poison and go with either weapon, Id choose rifle for first time for this hunt unless you all are die hard stick flingers.

Are you talking about #5 the general season elk and deer? Makes sense just to focus on elk and when a buck comes into play make a move on him. We're not looking for trophies in either species, I'll be happy with a spike elk or a forkie deer. Just the memories made with the old man is going to be the trophy.
Well it seems the consensus is MT Elk and Deer combo, now to decide if we'll do archery or not. Sounds better to do all general season and only drive there once.
As Speeddmn said ... "Also I think there is a week between archery and general season of no hunting. So pick your poison and go with either weapon, Id choose rifle for first time for this hunt unless you all are die hard stick flingers."
Caribou Gear

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