Idaho Muley (X2)

Gunner.... But he was the one that took he day off to look for it when my dad shot it the first time.

I actually don't want to Be I.B.'s buddy. I saw him in the hills and I like guys that can actually spot deer ;)
But he didn't find it.... :rolleyes:

It was me that led you to with 30 yards of it... while alive, and then me, again, who led you to it after I had to go into the thick brush, armed only with a knife, and finally complete the deed of dispatching the bullet proof bear.....

But back to the topic, his buddy's buck is damn nice too....
Man you guys are harsch. I can't see deer, I can't find wounded game. I might as well stop hunting. And Moosie just because that buck in the morning levitated (sp?) and disappeared. Doesn't make it my fault for not seeing him. I swear that was the best Houdini act ever.

The only reason I didn't call Moosie is becuase he would of forgot his shoes or pack or something important. And I still would of had to pack it out myself.
If I had your number Gunner I would of called you. Next year OK...
Jsut was Getting in bed with the Wife and needed a "VIAGRA PIC" ... YEP, That buck did it ... hump hump

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