Caribou Gear Tarp

Idaho,Montana Spring Bear Areas


Active member
Sep 9, 2012
Spring Creek, NV
I'd like to do a spring spot and stalk bear hunt sometime in the next couple of years (one of my bucket list hunts), any sugestions on where to start looking in Central Idaho, or Southwest Montana. Don't expect anyone to give up their honey holes, but need a bit more than just a game management Unit. If it's like Nevada deer, elk, there's usually more country in a unit than there are animals. if you're in the wrong part of a unit you can go for days without seeing anything.
You would be lucky if someone were specific enough to mention an HD. There are a ton of bears in both of the areas you have mentioned and knowing where to look is the key. Find the areas that have just greened up (or carcasses) and glass, glass glass! Avalanche chutes, recently logged areas, recent burns are great spots too.
I always had the best bear luck hunting around small streams in super tight drainages, Google Earth can help a little with that. I'd suggest looking for a place to stay and spoke out from that's easy for you to get to and you want to actually travel to (camp ground or city), and try to find some accessible areas near there that have been logged in the past. I haven't hunted Bear in SW MT (from Bozeman) but have spent quite a bit of time in the Little Belts south of Great Falls hunting bear, the places I mentioned above always seemed to hold bears.