Yeti GOBOX Collection

Idaho August Bull


New member
Jul 20, 2007
Boise, ID
Here are a few pics all through my spotting scope and all of the same bull. Any ventures on score guesses? His 1st thru 3rds are great but his back end is kinda weak. Pretty good mass though. Hope you enjoy!



Looks good to me also. Good bottoms and mass but he does lose quite a bit with the tops. Bulls usually look bigger when walking away, but he still looks to be a 340's type bull...
ID bull

Yeah I actually got to watch him for about an hour and I think he will go 340 gross. His first, second and thirds are really nice, it's just that tail end that dissappoints. He is not what we are looking for on a supertag so he will live another year.
I'm not good at scoring them from pictures...ask Schmalts. He looks pretty good to me.

Yea, i would say high 330's very low 340 gross. Is he in velvet or rubbed off? hard to tell with the fuzzy pictures
Thanks for the pics.Nice bull I don't think I'd pass him up.But I don't have a supertag.
Is he in velvet or rubbed off? hard to tell with the fuzzy pictures

Schmalts was kidding, thats why he said "FUZZY" !!! Gesh, everyone knows bulls are all stil lin their velvet this time of year, duhhh !!!! ;)

Nice Bull, I would say 340...... :D :D
ahh... did someone say "super tag"? niiiiiice!
The mass usually disapoints once the velvet comes off on a bull like this.
No doubt he's a great bull, but I'd top him at 320.
Yes I agree the mass goes away after losing the velvet. However after watching this bull for a very long period of time with 6 other mature bulls, he definately had alot more mass than the other bulls. I'm sticking to my 340 gross estimate. I have several 320 class bulls in my shed and he is above that class for sure. I agree that it is hard to tell off pics, especially pics filmed through a spotting scope. Regardless, this bull will not hit the dirt with my buddies supertag. He has too many bulls of this size to his credit and doesn't need another. He would rather eat tag soup and i'm gonna make him stick to it.................................................if i can:)

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