Kenetrek Boots

I am looking to buy land, Help!!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
I recently re-financed my mortgage and took out all my equity to purchase more land next to the property i already own. Well that looks like its fallen through, so i need to invest someplace so i am not paying interest on money sitting in a savings account collecting squat. Does anyone know of a nice chunk of recreational property for sale that has utilities near it for a retirement home?
Looking for 5 acres minimun, no maximum, and a price range below 150K
I am looking to get out of the bad winters too, so preferibly in the south half of the country. low taxes a plus. Let me know if you hear of anything.
Schmalts, $150k will get you quite a ways in certain areas around here, not far from the location of The TurkeyEye Buck.
If you don't mind the fact that you're in KY, that is.
Check out for a sampling...some of their stuff is ridiculous, but some of it's pretty good. Also, for another area "recreational land" realtor.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-29-2003 22:00: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
Scmalts, The best bet unless you are going to make money on your new Investment (I'E' Rent it out, Etc.) is Dump it back into the Refi. you jsut took out. You'll not be paying intrest on it and you can Pay off your Loan Alot faster and always take it back out. It's better then a House sitting somewere or money in the Bank.

I'd of Told you of some Spots were I hunt So I could stay there of course
but ya said Mild Winters... soooo.....
4 Swandri's Gunner.
On the west {wet} coast of the Sth Island where all the Deer, chamois and Thar live about US$ 150,00 including a Weatherboard house with all Utilities, probably get more than 5 acres tho probably about 25 hectares
Now Kiwi... I tried my best to talk your language, and I even made some wild convesion of Acres to Square Meters, and then you go and answer in Hectares. As if I have a clue how big a Hectare is.

I should go down to NZ sometime. I have a rafting buddy called Little Fletch (his dad was Big Fletch) that was a fun guy to boat with. He was the one who told me the saying "Off like a brides nightie on her wedding night..." He also had a killer recipe for Curry.
I hear you Moosie, but the main reason i want to buy land is because with the 4.375 loan rate i got it will be free interest if i get a nice chunk of land. Most land has been appreciating 10% a year around here, so basicly its a cheap loan to make some cash, and invest in a retirement property. Only problem is its sitting in a savings account doing nothing as i pay interst on it from the mortgage!
Gibson, whats the winters like there?
I am getting screwed by some DC on the land deal i was supposed to get.
Gunner, I have that Auzzi Swap hunt I might do. Wanna swap with them and then drop down to Kiwi Land for a Few days too ? then you can say "Been there, done that"

I do right of Way takes and the State was in Metric, I did Hectares all the time. Used a Dual unit for them
Anyways, we're back to English now !!!!!!
Uhhh Moosie.... Thanks for the interesting story about your Metric exposure, but I still don't have a clue on the Hectares.... I would do a Google search, but you can't trust the stuff you read on the Internet....

Hey, if you don't mind riding Coach, while I ride first class, I probably have enough air miles....
Schmalts, winters here are mild compared to what you're used to...only a few inches of snow a year, rarely more than an inch or two at a time, and when it does snow it's gone pretty quickly. If it means anything to you, it's still considered OK to build houses with rafters around here if you want to.
Temps very rarely get as low as the 20's, usually 30+ and into the 40's. Yesterday it was in the 50's, though that's higher than the published norm. Wind chills do get down quite a bit lower, of course, but that's to be expected.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-29-2003 22:42: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
thats not bad for temps.
Hey, i got a kentucky joke for ya....
What do girls from kentucky and bears have in common?

scroll down for punch line

they both lick thier paws

get it?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-29-2003 22:45: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
NOW go over to the Deer section (HEY BC boy (Are we funny or just mean ?!?!) and read that post Twards the Bottom I put in Bold..
DID YOU get it ?

HEHE.. Lick their PAWS !!! Uhhh I don't get it

Take a gander at Arkansas...dirt cheap to live there; houses and property are very reasonable. Suppose to be the duck capital of the I hear. Turkey and deer hunting are not that bad either. Bears around the Ozarks and Ouachita mountains. Great fly-fishing in the white and buffalo river.


Paws as in Pa's as in dad...get it?
Hey, Remember I was the first to point out and Get your I snatch Kiss's and V's Versa Signature .....
But Why would a Kentucky girl Lick her pa ? Nope.. I still don't get it....
OK so you want to invest in retirement huh. Run your butt down to West Virginia and get yourself a driver's license and establish residency. After six months get a "LIFE TIME" resident hunting license for less than 600 bucks. That is good forever regardless of where you live and you always get charged resident rates for tags. etc. No more license fees!! Then gor find yourself a cheap squallor down in central Texas on the outskirts of Town for somewhere around 40K. Run up to one of the Northwest States where there is big game plentiful and get you retirement home for around 70 to 80K. In the winter when hunting season in the NW is done move your butt down to Texas where it is warm aand you can still hunt hogs. Spend your falls at home or in WVA or Texas depending on what you want to hunt. Or.....
actually Texas was on my list as well. My parents retired in AL and tell me northern AL is nice. A guy needs a couple weeks and a motor home

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