Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hunting Meme Thread

This hits way too close to home

Or you feel like you’re in the open too much and someone could have a spotter on you.
This hits way too close to home

I have a hunting buddy that has to find the perfect pooping spot because he is terrified of being on Google earth dropping duece. Makes me laugh everytime!
More like your trying to find a spot that none of your buddies can snap a pic from the duck blind
True story. This fall I had my pants down for the fourth time that morning (bad bratwurst the night before) and heard cow calling and branches breaking coming towards me. Grabbed my bow, got ready, and was a little surprised when two guys walked right up on me…
This hits way too close to home

Are you kidding me? I make sure they get an up close and personal picture! It’s my little gift to them
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