Hunting in the snow


Dec 17, 2011
I glassed several nice billies in my Idaho unit in Sept, just waiting for them to hair up a bit.Now we have been hit with a early snow.
Just got back from a week hunt (snowed out yesterday)and not a single goat to be found in the area. I have always heard that goats suck it up and winter in their home area.I am not so sure now.Any experts out there know if they migrate or move to a winter range of cliffs. This is a tough year to have a goat tag. Appreciate any advice..Thanks
I have very limited first hand experience with goats but have read that they stay high and find food on the windswept slopes. But, this spring I saw a bunch down way below the peaks I would have expected them to be on which led me to question what I have read. I bet it goes both ways.

Good luck to you! Still really early in Oct and we could get several weeks of Indian Summer if we are lucky. I know am I praying for it....
Heading out tomorrow for a weekend billy hunt. My area is south of Livingston, weather is a huge concern. I'm heading high where I found them earlier and will work from there. From what I've gathered, they generally stay in the same general areas but alter the faces they spend time on. I can only assume this is changes depending on the area itself and how hard the winter is.
Redwood,good luck! here is what you better be ready for. Horses at 9000ft plus ,and then me at ten!
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I think they'll still be high, but possibly not where they were in the summer. This was in ID in November...
I'm heading up for a day trip this weekend to look for Mt goats myself and then getting serious next week, looks like we have some warmer and drier weather coming in. I can tell you from experience in the area I'm hunting, I've had buddies draw this same tag 5 out of the last 6 years and the goats stay generally in the same locations. They do get up on those wind swept ridges or under a rock face that receives some heat reflection from the sun and melts.

Don't give up on your spot, look higher, lower or on the other side of the ridge. I did find during the summer they were on the opposite side of the mountain, the more shady side, than they typically are during the hunt. I suspect they will be in the area that receives the most sun now too.

Good luck!
What a disaster of a "weekend" hunt. Tried to hike in Friday night, got the truck stuck just going up the road. After about two hours of bs we got out and retreated to a buddies place for the night. Grabbed a wheeler and headed out this morning to attempt getting in. Once we got back a ways, the wheeler could go no further due to snow and downed trees. No worries, just an extra half mile to the trail head. The snow got waste deep quick. That wasn't the problem, the very agitated griz was the problem. About the time we say the tracks and massive pile of crap he stepped out of the under brush with real attitude. Not exactly what I needed at 4 am. Retreat yet again. After pissy and moaning for a bit, we opted to try a new spot on the other side of the range. Got to the trailhead and started up, all went well until about an hour in. Then we got into snow, then more snow, then more snow. After 6 hours of hiking thru knee to thigh high snow, we could go no further. At this point we were still 2 hours out from where we wanted to be just to set camp. We discussed our situation for a bit and ultimately decided to pull the plug on this outing. What a miserable little stent, I guess that's high country hunting in mt. I now will fall back, regroup, and go at it again from another approach soon. Gotta love snow.
Looking forward to the finish of this goat hunt! Sounds like quite the experience, and nothing on the good front yet. Keep after em, and hope your graced with a big billy!
Got er done!!! Busted up a knee and after my goat rolled 100yrds down the mtn,busted off a horn.. what a year to hunt goats snow was almost impossible.Finally found some goats down lower,I will never forget this hunt..and my son-in-laws first mulie. This is why we do what we do..
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Awesome!!! Great to hear that you found a good one! Through all the adversity I'm so glad to hear you got it done!

I'm after them again on Wednesday myself!
Congrats!!! Way to get er done on both fronts.

how much lower did you find the goat compared to where you saw them in sept?
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