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How's my posture?

Ya sorry, camera is on the ground pointed up at me. I'll try to get out again with my GF so she can take a better video at some point.

Hoping to set up a time with the pro shop and see if they can help tweak and tune me in a little better.
7. I can't see if you have a wrist sling to allow the bow to fall forward out of your hand after you shoot. If you don't have one, get one.

Don't focus on letting your bow tip way forward like you see some people do, unless you're a target shooter with a huge stabilizer jutting off the front it's mostly theatrics. I have an 8" stabilizer and my bow sits almost dead in my hand after the shot, I can watch the arrow strike through my sight housing.
1. Felt the same thing today, was thinking about changing the length and now I will, Danka!

2. I've tried that before but it feels like I can't control the bow as well and that the pins bounce around too much...

5. Good idea

6. Good idea again

7. Have a wrist sling, no idea what it is for really though. Seen people drop their bow forward on shots, but no idea how or why they do that? I just hold onto the bow?

Also, I can't tell if it's due to the camera angle from the ground or something, but your arrow appears to be skewed, like the nock point is way high. The odd camera angle may be creating the appearance to us of things being wrong that actually aren't! Get a shot from should level for a better look before you go and change a bunch of stuff...
Looks to me like you need to drop your front shoulder and put a bend in your riser-arm elbow, but as others have said, it's hard to tell from the camera angle. Is the string angle too much to get your nose onto the string?

Also, i see you're wearing an arm guard. Have you ever hit your arm? B/c that's a red flag that something in your form is off.
It looks like your bow shoulder is a bit high, if you push that back down you will gain a bit of length and will help take your bavkwards lean out. It may also let you bend your elbow a little. Ive shot elbow straight and elbow bent, I prefer to keep mine staright but not locked. If I bend my elbow a little I fatigue quickly.
I agree with others about the high shoulder/anchor point. My pointer finger (trigger finger) knuckle anchors right behind the curve in my jaw bone yours looks a good bit higher than that.
I will go ahead and post the best advice you can John Dudley's School Of Nock series from about a year and a half ago on youtube. He will get you set straight in terms of bow fit, form, and execution. Second, listen to a podcast with Joel Turner, the Shot IQ guy, he will save you a lot of frustration in terms of learning a surprise shot. FWIW there is good advice and not-so-good advice in this thread, since you are a noob and don't know which is which you are far better off disregarding it all and just watching Dudley!
I'm self taught as well and this video really helped my progress in my fundamentals. May or may not be stuff you already know. The change of the grip has helped me the most.
