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How many years...

I spent about 15 minutes sitting on top of a haystack behind my dad's house my first season when I was 12.. whacked a shot open sights .243 The next year I had it in for a buck that lived back there. I had 2 years worth of his shed antlers. There were no haystacks that fall, so I took some alfalfa bales and stacked them up to make a little blind. Took me 3 days, but eventually the buck I wanted showed up and I got him. He's still my best whitetail to date 180 gross B&C.

Here is the big stud.. and my deer too.

That is a very dandy deer Greenhorn. Washington State has alway's sucked for hunting, I think mine was around five or six. That was only because they slipped a late hunt on the deer from haveing to many of them in that area that year...... :D
no wonder you dont hunt whitetails anymore Greenhorn!!!! Damn nice deer! for a little chit! anyway it was a little longer for me! my first deer was taken with a bow and ive been hooked ever since! i hunted unsuccessully for 2 years until i scored on an 80lb doe! that was 19 years ago! :D and pile of deer later ,im still most proud of my first little doe!
I killed my first deer a doe the second day I ever hunted deer! The following year on the same exact day I took my first and best buck to date from the same stand!!
Took my first buck (a forky blacktail with only ONE horn) my first year but it was three years later till I got my next one.

Same with elk hunting- spike bull first year (spike only tag) and then took three years before I got my next one!

...glad my sex life didn't follow the same pattern my hunting did...would have been one frustrated teenager
I got lucky and shot my first buck the first year I hunted. That first morning I ended up getting lost, yelling for my brother, running around in a panick. Bumped a 24 inch muley out of his bed, made a good shot and the hunt was over. Then I spent 3 hours walking around still lost till I finally found camp. Finding our way back to the downed deer was another story....
Started deer hunting at the age of 13, 6 yrs later I killed my first deer with a bow, a nice 8 point.

Geeez thanks Oscar now I feel old, that has been 24 yrs ago. ;)
I only hunted two seasons without a deer when I started, but there was a gap of several years from those first two seasons and the third, successful one! Between the service, divorce, coming from a non-hunting (but shooting) family, etc. it was something like 10 years. I have yet to get a really big buck, though.
Started deer hunting with a bow at 10, killed my first button buck at the ripe old age of 12. couldnt tell you how many I have killed since then....40's would be a good number I guess:D
Shot my first one my very first year out. Though only a forky he was an okay first buck, since then I have taken five more bucks with the biggest being a 3x3 16" wide, not too bad considering I have only been hunting for three seasons so far.

Later, Greg. :D :D

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