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How many American Army Veterans or Active Army do we have here?/The forlorn demise of the bugle fanfares.


Active member
Dec 26, 2021
SW Oklahoma
Me, 63B, 1988-1995.

What I did not like about the (more modern) Army:

1. at Fort Jackson, Starship barracks basic training, in 1988, no bugle calls heard at my barracks; no reveille, no taps, no retreat, no to the colors, no mess call, no mail call, no tattoo, no rolls call, no charge!, nothing announced on any brass horn, zero; bugles, fifes and snare drums sound much sweeter than barking NCO's and nagging/grunting/hooting fellow soldiers
2. bugle calls were not always heard every square inch on post at any installation: they only sounded them at post headquarters
3. if I were to have my way, bugle calls would be heard everywhere American soldiers in garrison are present: workplaces, barracks, mess halls, etc.
4. recognition of military musical signals (by bugle, drum, etc.) should be every soldier's basic training curriculum
5. without bugle calls and/or rolling drums everywhere in earshot, it doesn't feel totally military to me, it's a culture thing with me

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I was somewhat disappointed with the Army when I was in (1988-1995). I did not hear the bugle calls most of the time unless I was near post headquarters. Other disheartening things about the Army I found while in: 1. women drill sergeants 2. the phasing out of old-fashioned terms like WAAC, and attempts to replace "mess hall" with "dining facility" 3. the aversion of modern NCO's to the term "sarge" 4. no summertime khakis as in World War Two through Vietnam 5. the fact the Army does not operate its very own cargo/troop transport planes: the modern Army's fixed-wing aviation program was quite limited in scope 6. the lies Army recruiters would tell 7. the strict gun control on military installations, having to lock personal handguns in arms rooms and such 8. the weak sound of the command ATTENTION (I like the old fashioned ten-HUT!!)

I have watched a lot of war films. I had envisioned the American Army to look, sound and feel like General Patton's Army in World War Two or General Westmoreland's Army in Vietnam. I love to hear SARGE. Units were often termed "outfits". I love to hear a crisp "ten-HUT!" to snap troops at attention. A lot of traditional American military culture seems watered down in modern times. I love the colorful term WAAC for women. I love the term "noncom". I love all the cussing as was common in World War Two. Basic trainees should hear REVEILLE blast them out of their racks by the sound of the bugle. Soldiers in barracks should hear the sweet horn with TAPS lull them to sleep at lights out.
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Hollywood film plot idea. American Army soldiers at Fort Ord, CA, Home of the Bayonet Division, provide armed resistance to the base closure under the Clinton Administration in 1993. Imagine soldiers so dedicated to fight and die as to protect their beloved military installation.

Proposed title "Taps II: Holding Down the Fort, Saving the Planet"

Inspired by:

Side Note: I was actually an American soldier stationed at Fort Ord, CA at the time of its deactivation. This very closure literaly would lead to the demise of my real-world military career and a substantial degree of personal economic ruin. The stakes are very high to some Americans whenever bases are shut down. My home of record was actually a two-hour drive north from this very installation. It's a long and sad personal story. I shall be bitter about this base closure until the day I day. If I and other brothers in arms would have been otherwise ordered to fight as a soldier to resist this deactivation, I'm most certain I, and hopefully others, would have followed such orders.
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Wore US Army green 1963-1998.
Most moving taps ever: Close friend and fellow Vietnam helicopter pilot was being interred at Forsyth, MT, cemetery on a cloudy early May morning. Two Hueys full of grieving friends from Helena had been weathered-in at Billings, missing the funeral. But right after the hallowed folded flag was handed to his widow and the moving notes of TAPS began ... out of the clouds to the west was heard first faintly, then loudly reverberating WOP-WOP-WOP of Huey blades in the crisp cool air. The sights, sounds, and sense of moment literally and figuratively brought sobbing tears to my eyes!
Right outa high-school 1969-73. Reiville and taps all over the training base ... Loud.

Pabearhunter, you musta missed the Easter Offensive of '72. That was a lightshow!!

Remember all those that didn't get the chance to come home. Robert A Nickol, MIA, 1972.
I visit many of our National military cemeteries when I am traveling for hunting trips or work. I often look for headstones of the Medal of Honor Recepients. These two veterans are buried in the Nashville Cemetery.

Sadly, very few citizens take the time to pay respects to our deceased veterans and heroes.

Thanks to all who served, TheGrayRider. US Army and Army Reserves, 1990 - 1998.

71-74. The Army did away with reveille partway through my basic training at Ft Ord. Boo-hoo! As an MP we still had to raise and lower flags at base HQ. I seem to recall cannon firing during reveille at Ft Gordon or maybe Ft Lewis?
Army (R)- 1995-2015, OIF, OND, OEF
92Y, 56M

My second MOS (56M, Religious Support NCO) made it so I heard TAPS way too many times......from 2000 to 2015 I performed north of 100 memorial ceremonies. The song, the volley and the look in the eyes of loved ones in desperation come to me often. None were easy but this was the toughest. Ed was my son's soccer coach, his daughter Ellie was in my boy's class, they went to mass with us and he was an easy man to like. As his family entered the chapel Ellie looked up at me as I stood at attention. As soon as the ceremony started I headed to my office and bawled.
Gotta apologize, got to reading replies and it slipped me old mind this was for Army vets. I wasn't Army, I was Air Force-DaNang RVN 71-72, though my MIA school buddy was Army.