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How far do you shoot?


New member
Jun 24, 2007
In the mountians
This year I practiced shooting at long range until I felt confident that I could be ethical and that an animal at a great distance. I had purchased a good rifle in a caliber capable of the job. I recently was antelope hunting and the opportunity came to take a decent antelope, I made as good a stalk as I felt I could but the distance was still 600 yards. I sat there for ten minutes and decided I couldn't get any closer. I had been practicing at that distance so I set up and shot, perfect front shoulder shot the goat died instantlly. I felt good now back at home I have been criticized for not getting closer.

So my questions is what do you think is an ethical shot distance??
Only you can really make that call. There are too many variables for someone else to make it. Wind conditions, up or down drafts, mirage, the chance of the animal moving, etc. that can only be judged at that instant - combined with your skill on paper.
Congrats on the Antelope. They way I see it you did everything right. You had a rifle and ammo that was capable of the range, you practiced at long ranges and knew your capabilities. I am assuming you had a rangefinder that gave you accurate distances......and the result was a success. On that day with those conditions, that was an ethical shot for you. Someone else without the practice and equipment and the same conditions........200 yards may not have been an ethical shot.

Scout sniper teams in Iraq and Afghanistan routinely engage specific targets at 700 - 1100 yards with success using Remington 700 rifles in .308 and high quality optics.

Your friends should be applauding your ability, not giving you $hit.
You practiced at that range, knew your equipment was good for the job, Phuck those guys. Shooting is a skill just as stalking is IMO, to each his own. I know guys who could not have made that shot at 300 yards much less 600, so should they be scoulded as well?
If that was the buck you really wanted and knew for sure you could make the shot, more power to you. Walking is highly overrated, especially when stalking closer isn't an option. You put the work into being a proficient longrange shooter, you deserve the credit.
My only concern would be shooting just any old caliber at just any old game animal out to 600 yards. Before anyone paddles my butt -I'll say it first: "Foot pounds and feet per seconds doesn't kill big game animals." That's all well and good, and you've proved to yourself that your rifle, load and ability work great on a pronghorn buck out to 600 yards. My advice: I'd be cautious about shooting that far at a muley, moose or elk.
I practice constantly out to 300 yards. I've made quick kills out to 400 yards, depending on conditions and which rifle I'm shooting. Until I can really practice out to any farther ranges, I start reeling it in at around 300 to 450 yards. I don't like "mistakes."
I know that bigger isn't always better and personally believe that for my antelope hunt that I was shooting a caliber on the BIG side I have two drawn big bull permits this fall and wanted a gun that would work on elk if I had a long shot. One of my elk permits is a late season Arizona tag from what I've heard the shots tend to be long. That being said I'm shooting a 30-378 that I custom load Barnes 180 grain TTSX bullets for. I am getting 3400 fps I have tried 5 kinds of powder and 5 kinds of bullets to see what worked best for my gun. I am not shooting the fastest load I am shooting the most accurate fast load. I also agree that it isn't all about fastest and ft lbs of energy none of that matters if you don't hit the right spot but you need to know that stuff to hit the right spot. I know the BC of the bullet the speed I know my ballistics for my gun and know that there is enough energy is left to do the job. I agree that you shouldn't just take a long shot unless you have practiced and know your gun and how it works and than I the conditions are right and you have made the best effort to get as close as you can, than it can be more ethical than alot of people who take the gun out of the case one time per year and dust it off than crack a 200 yard gut shot not knowing if they even still sighted in.:eek: Anyway I don't mean to rant but some guys at Cabelas kinda set me off. Well good luck to all this fall with short and long shots.:)
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