How about a Cam corder ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I need to Clean the Canon ZR that I have, but I would like to pick up another one.

2 questions.

1. Does anyone have a "NICE" camcorder ? like the $1k+ type ? And how long have you had it and is it good.

2. Does anyone have a Camcorder that lasts longer then one season ? :D

Mine seem to ALWAYS get wet, get Condensation, or just stop for some reason. I'm guessing I should babysit it more ;) But wondering if anyone had better luck with one that doesn't have to be in the shop every season or 2 times a Season.....
Go to the Sony web site and find the page with the factory rebuilt units. THey cost about 1/3 of what the new ones cost and they work just as well. Sometimes they come with a bunch of accessories at no extra cost.

Oscar, I use a Panasonic PV-GS500. It is small but has the CCD chip in it. I have had it about a year now and love it. It runs around 600-700. The only draw back is it only has a 10X optical zoom (a good double lense will run around $200).
Seems like all my cameras get wet or moisture, like I said, So I'm gonig to buy a Couple on Ebay and have a backup on hand. I bought me a canon zr100 but my old one is a canon zr80. I think they changed batteries on them. I'll know next week when it comes in. I need to bring my zr80 in for a "cleaning". I wish I knew what they did becasue after a it of moisture I have to send it in. MAybe it's jsut the stupid canon's I keep buying ?

Hondo, I might pic one of them up some day. I actually talked with IDbugler about going 1/2'sies on a good camcorder.

Althuogh I jsut talked with my new bizz partner about going 1/2sies on a New Boat too so if that goes through I'll have no Coins for the Camera ;)
Stick with any of te canon models. The sony's that I have used in the past have crapped out. The canons you can't beat the picture, especially for the long shots.
Dude, check out the new JVC hard drive models. 22X optical zoom, no drive noise, and way more recording time than a tape or DVD. and they are SMALL. I would have one this year if it wasnt for the poor still photo performance they have. I am sick of the drive noise and dust problems associated with tape models.
sreekers said:
Stick with any of te canon models. The sony's that I have used in the past have crapped out. The canons you can't beat the picture, especially for the long shots.
I hate my canon Optura 40. Lots of drive noise when cold, sent it in 3 times and they never fix it. great picture but the noise drives me nuts. Low light performance is a joke as well

i too have been looking at this one wish i could talk the Hagg into letting me spend the wack on it.