Hey heelerdog....


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Now that the snow is melting off, how's the carryover look up your way?
Was thinking about X3b for my #1 this year instead of the Doyle muzzy hunt.

I might have to come up on a 'yote/bunny/sage rat/scouting trip before long ;)
Damn Marv I'm a busy summabish you know. Actually I missed your post. Cant say as I know whats over in Doyle but here they had a pretty easy winter. They didn't start shedding until late this year which is supposedly a good thing, good nutrition and fat living is how it was explained to me. Plenty wet here for now so they should continue with the easy life. X3b should be good if your patient and work a little. X3a is where I hunt, on the very rare occurence I get a tag, but alot of guys I know prefer 3b. I know there are some good good deer out there. Surprisingly not much hunter action at the big burn from a few years ago. If you come up absolutely give a holler, try to give some advance notice though like I said I'm a busy summabish.:D
Thanks dog man! Undestand the busysumnabitchiness....Eyes there 2! :D

Yeah, I'm a 3-Aer myself for years (when the draw was a bit "easier") but one of my pards is sold on that Ft. Bidwell area....so.....

Do you know the McGarva's up Likely way, I used to hunt their ranch(es) for years as they were a client of my FIL....ah, the good old days!

Keep them squeeks thinned out, geezers ankles are easy to twist ya know!
I know a few of the McGarvas, hell one of them is my wifes brother in law. Bidwell is not a bad area it can be good. I'll try my best on the squeaks but I think I'm outnumbered.

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