Hey Greenhorn, ya' big talker.....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
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Need help spellin' "delete"?
He has all his Internet gay porn sent to Hunttalk ...... I've upped his Inbox alotment from 60 to 1000 messages a day but he's logged on to all those male-male dating sites they jsut keep sending him stuff.
You gotta admire a "man" that can keep that many other men happy.....

I guess I won't show him the pictures of the 380 bull I let walk this weekend.....
JoseCuervo said:
You gotta admire a "man" that can keep that many other men happy.....

I guess I won't show him the pictures of the 380 bull I let walk this weekend.....

I'm guessing no-one will see them ... HAHA !!!