Heres a cool pic and a story

Good story and go0od picture. Thanks for the link Del.
Heres the other pic its pretty cool also.

We were at knoll lake(my wife and I pre kids) and it is early am and we are down by the lake um... hanging out....and we hear our dogs barking , my wife goes up the hill to see whats up. I start up a few minutes later and as I get near the top I hear my wife screaming bloody murder,as I get to the top I see my wife running through the trees with what I thought was a coyote chasing her, well I grab my gun and start running towards where she disapeared and the sound of her still screaming my name. as I get close the animal makes a beeline for me and I see it is a baby Elk, well it ran up to me and put it's head in my coat! I was kind of stunned and stood there petting it and looking around for mom who I am sure is going to come charging through the woods and trample me to death, well I spotted her about a hundred yards away running in circles and looking kind of upset but not coming any closer so we take a couple of pics and I have my wife take the dogs back to camp. When they were gone I tried to leave but that Elk just kept following me, I thought that we had a new pet. Anyway I sat there and petted it until it layed down then I jumped up and ran, it tried to follow but I was faster and got out of it's sight. Went back awhile later and mom and baby were gone. I guess our Dalmations had somehow got between them and when the baby saw my wife it ran at her for protection and she in turn ran like hell the other way(in her longjohns) thinking it was was a very interesting trip.

WOW!!! That is something you don't hear or read about everyday. Sure glad that they got pictures. Waht the cow elk injured in anyway since it was running in circles??? Thanks for the pics and the story Del.
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