Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Hello from Western Colorado


Oct 18, 2009
Hi all ! Just signed on yesterday. Looks like a great forum and from everything I have read so far some really great people on here.:D

A liitle about myself: Born and raised in Western Colorado and have hunted and fished Colorado since I could hold a .22 and a fishing pole. I enjoy just spending time out in the woods with my family and freinds and really enjoy seeing my three kids taking biggame now (they are 19,18, and 16).

Hope to learn some and maybe even help a few out.


Welcome to the forum. Share a hunting story with us when you get time.
Hey guys thanks for the great welcome!

Oak, I can see you and I are going to get along just fine. Definitely no good shed hunting in Colorado.

I'll try and get a hunt up soon.
Hey elkkill, have you been out hunting yet??? Don't show any of these guys the bulls you and your family have been taking off the mountain... there will be nearly 3000 archery hunters in there next year :D Good to see you.

I helped my boys archery season with no success, but had several close calls and got on two really good bulls.One of my buddies in archery camp killed a bull that grossed 297 (6x6) and it was his first archery bull, I hope to get some pics soon. Then first rifle season I had a cow tag and the wife had a bull tag and we did not see an elk in the five day season (first time in my life :(). We had 11 tags first season and did not fill one. A very tough year for sure, but we hope to change that with some deer tags this weekend and third season.

There were a ton of archery hunters in there this year, but it has been getting worse over the years and I am very use to it.

Thanks again guys and I will get something up to share maybe by Thursday.
Welcome aboard. You should lern a bunch from these guys, there are some world class killers on this site.

good luck with the rest of the season.
elkkill2006...welcome to the site...its a great place full of great people. I look forward to seein you on the forums.
I wish they would make that a limited unit for overcrowding- make it like the Flattops. Even if they put out 1200 tags- that would sure make a difference. I traveled (with the family) down the Divide and there were non-stop camps. I didn't hunt the unit but I had two buddies hunt the other side- one shot a 320 and the other opted out of shooting. 52 was the same... packed with hunters.

Good luck for deer!
The only thing that would suck about making it a draw unit would be the amount of points it would take to draw the unit and then eventually point creep. Even if they did like 1200 tags and maybe two or three points it would help but I sure would start having withdrawls not hunting it every year.:(

Congrats to your buddy on the 320 bull.:D

OK here is an older elk hunting story from one of my adventures. It took place in 1998 hunting during 1st rifle season.

It had been a little bit tougher hunt with only one cow in camp which my buddy took opening morning and it is now the third day. We had been out hunting in the morning and came back early (10:00). We were getting ready to start breakfast when three guys came into camp (one I new through my father). They asked us if we had seen a five point bull hanging in any camps down where we were and I told them there were no other camps down where we were and asked why.

The guy I knew starts telling me they had shot an elk not far from where we were camped earlier that morning and could not find it. I asked him what kind of sign they found and where they had hit it. He tells me they found dark red blood and pieces of bone and thought they had hit him behind the shoulder. I smiled and told them they blew his leg off. Then the guy who shot the elk pipes up and tells me he did not shoot it in the leg and takes offence. Then starts a pi$$ing match with me on what gun he shoots and what I shoot and how great of a shot he is. I just smile and say again you blew his leg off. Then I ask the guy I knew where they had shot the elk, he tells me, and I ask if they are going to keep looking for the elk and he says no and leaves.

So we eat real quick and head over there (I was taught to not give up on finding critters until you just can't find it). I find the blood and there marking tape and start following the trail. Well they must of been high fiving and kissing becuase if they had watched the bull he went across an opening about 100 yards across and that is where thay lost the trail. So I grab my gun and my gear and started after him (by now its after 1:30). I end up catching up with the bull just before dark down in the thick cedars. I could smell him but not see him and when I realized where he was he busted out and I could not get a shot.
He had picked up his three cows and a calf and I took after them and did not stay on his trail (thinking he was with his cows) and lost him at dark. Then it was a 2 mile hike in steep country and in the dark back to camp.

The next morning we got up early and my buddy and I went back down after him. When we got back down in there I found where he had gone rounds with a bear and they tore some stuff up. It took me about 2 hours to catch back up with him (still alive) and we got after him. I end up finding him down on the rim of a huge canyon and shot at him going through some thick brush and when I pulled the trigger he went down. I ran over to see if he was still there he was gone. I followed his tracks down and around the corner and my buddy was standing there about 50 yards away, I asked if he seen the bull, and he said no so I went back about 20 yards and he was standing out on a rock outcropping popping his jaw back and forth. I walked over to him (about 15 yards from him) and pulled up the 7mm Mag and put the croos hairs on his neck and let him have it. Well his right back leg was broke just under his knee (were they had shot him) on his right side. He was broadside with his left side towards me (bad thing) and he flipped off of the cliff. I ran over to the cliff and he had fell about 40 ft and was wrapped around some heavy chapparal brush which was awesome becuase it kept him fro going to the bottom. I ended gutting, skinning, and deboning the elk right where he landed. What a crazy two days!:cool:

Here he is. Sorry about the pic I broke the camera and damaged the film.
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