Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Health Care??????

What blows me away is that the private health insurance industry is the one collecting a tax?
What blows me away is that the private health insurance industry is the one collecting a tax?

That is not quite accurate. The "tax' is really a penalty which is a very small and minor penalty, the insurance companies are collecting premium from those who decide to buy in.

The mandate is really a stealth mandate because the penalty is weakened to the point of being a non factor.

The system is going to change and has to change in order to keep our country competitive and viable.

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Just because it is "Constitutional" doesn't make it "A good idea". Hopefully President Romney will get rid of the whole thing, and let us start over with something that will actually help.
Just because it is "Constitutional" doesn't make it "A good idea". Hopefully President Romney will get rid of the whole thing, and let us start over with something that will actually help.

Here is the problem: who ever wins this election will not have enough votes in the Senate to either repeal or replace this so the best that can be hoped for is to fix it.

I hope you all work for profitible, steady companies, because the added expense is going to finish off the weak ones.

The added national debt may finish off our country...There is no such thing as free.
Is Health Insurance affordable for business now? It has gone up 100% in the past 8 years. Explain what you would do to make it more affordable?

Health prems here at the shop only went up 3% this year @ our renewal of 06/01.

Every year prior it has been 15%-18% per year since I started working here in 2004.

Anyone else see that this year?
I would like to congratulate CJ Roberts on joining those other Repbulican Presidential Conservative appointments of reknown---like Warren, Blackman and Suter!
Kennedy gave a scathing dissent!
Nemont, it is really very simple-----stop requiring every fugging policy to cover ever fugging imaginable illness, let companies offer "menu" policies and let them compete interstate.....like ALL other kinds of insurance does...I really don't need coverage for birthing, mamograms or for that matter, prostate cancer (anymore).....but it is required to be in what I pay for----GMAFB !!!!
Nemont, it is really very simple-----stop requiring every fugging policy to cover ever fugging imaginable illness, let companies offer "menu" policies and let them compete interstate.....like ALL other kinds of insurance does...I really don't need coverage for birthing, mamograms or for that matter, prostate cancer (anymore).....but it is required to be in what I pay for----GMAFB !!!!

Death Panels for the Win!!!
I would like to congratulate CJ Roberts on joining those other Repbulican Presidential Conservative appointments of reknown---like Warren, Blackman and Suter!
Kennedy gave a scathing dissent!
Nemont, it is really very simple-----stop requiring every fugging policy to cover ever fugging imaginable illness, let companies offer "menu" policies and let them compete interstate.....like ALL other kinds of insurance does...I really don't need coverage for birthing, mamograms or for that matter, prostate cancer (anymore).....but it is required to be in what I pay for----GMAFB !!!!

Really, all insurance compete across state lines? How do you figure? Every State has Department of Insurance which requires all insurance lines to have a certificate of authority to sell in that state and comply with those state's laws.

Selling across state lines causes all kinds of problems especially for those who champion states rights. If I buy a policy in Tennessee and live in Montana and have a complaint, where do I go? Montana may not have authority and would some elected insurance commissioner in Tenn. really care about a complaint from some guy in Montana? Which laws apply?

Go look at all those coverages, most are state mandates. It is not the insurance industry that come up with the mandates but the people did.

Are you states rights conservative or not?

I don't love the ACA any more than I love HIPAA but it is not the end of the world and something has to be done.

If it were simple then it would have already been done.

Health prems here at the shop only went up 3% this year @ our renewal of 06/01.

Every year prior it has been 15%-18% per year since I started working here in 2004.

Anyone else see that this year?

Yes our premium stayed the same as last year, but the benefits are worse. Deductible was 5,000/person last year with 80/20. This year it is still 5,000 but is 70/30. I agree with Nemont that my family premium per month prior to this year had nearly doubled over an 8 year period, in addition to going up from a 1,000 deductible to 5,000.
"Really, all insurance compete across state lines? How do you figure? Every State has Department of Insurance which requires all insurance lines to have a certificate of authority to sell in that state and comply with those state's laws."

Nemont, do you know what HEALTH laws are state specific? have never heard that health issues are state specific. insurance companies/agents have to be licensed in each state they practice, but do not know of any state specific health laws.

when the wifes daughter was in the heart transplant center in san antonio, we were living in fort wayne, indiana. never heard a word about the heart transplant not being covered because of living in a different state. the insurance took care of the procedure except for the deductable.
"Really, all insurance compete across state lines? How do you figure? Every State has Department of Insurance which requires all insurance lines to have a certificate of authority to sell in that state and comply with those state's laws."

Nemont, do you know what HEALTH laws are state specific? have never heard that health issues are state specific. insurance companies/agents have to be licensed in each state they practice, but do not know of any state specific health laws.

when the wifes daughter was in the heart transplant center in san antonio, we were living in fort wayne, indiana. never heard a word about the heart transplant not being covered because of living in a different state. the insurance took care of the procedure except for the deductable.

First let's agree that health claims, regardless of where they occur are different than health insurance.

Every state has specific health insurance laws, mandates and requirements particular to the several states. Yes agents can be licensed in multiple states but the certificate to sell health insurance in a particular state has to be obtained by the carrier and their policies have to comply with the laws of the state of which it is issued in. For example Montana is one of the only states that has a Unisex requirement, meaning that if you sell insurance in Montana you can not charge males and females of the same demographic different rates.

So let's use that scenario. A young man, who has health insurance, gets a girl pregnant, is a resident of Montana, which is unisex, under Montana law the young man's insurance has to pay for that delivery because of the unisex provision of our state law. If the young man had bought insurance from a state that doesn't require such coverage but is a resident of Montana, and presumably can go to the Montana Dept of Insurance for help with a complaint. Where does the young man go to if his policy is governed by Tennesee law and he is a resident of Montana? Which laws apply? In our current system in order to sell that young man a policy the carrier has to comply with Montana law, if you erase state lines who is the regulator? The Federal government becomes the default regulatory agency because now it is indeed insterstate commerce and the commerce clause would give Congress the authority to regulate it.

So if just removing state lines helps with the cost of insurance then I have no problem with doing such but it hands to congress the power to regulate health insurance how ever they wish. If that is a conservative, states rights stand than so be it, sound alot like a Democrat position to me.

well, asked for a state specific law, and you gave me one. can't argue that. but, was looking at the broader picture when you made the comment about competing across state lines. meaning, allstate, farmers, etc all compete for peoples' business across state lines as they are national companies.

and FYI, this decision by the court stinks. they have now opened the door for the government to force the people to buy things whenever they want to.
The unfortunate fact is that we have ZERO CONSERVATIVE representation in Washington. They may run under the title Republican but don't let that fool you. They are all Liberal, wimpy, girly men and have about as much backbone as a door matt. Judge Robert's is a Liberal as are all the other justice's. See a real conservative can;t get elected. They would be given the title of racist or worse the first time they gave a common sense answer to a question or problem. For those who have faith in Mr.Romney...He says he will repeal Obama care but wait till just one poll suggests independants,Latino, or Woman like the law and see ya Conservative values Romney. We live in such a great country, But people are scared. Scared to think free, speak their minds, and God forbid offend a hippie! Obama is the worst US President in modern history, And remember we had Jimmy Carter! All we can hope for is that the age group of 30-99 vote him out. REMEMBER if you DO NOT vote you have lost your right to complain, chime in, and it's partly your fault the wrong man won. You do understand people that Liberals like the one's in the Whitehouse now hate guns, Hunting, and would love to see both go away!
well, asked for a state specific law, and you gave me one. can't argue that. but, was looking at the broader picture when you made the comment about competing across state lines. meaning, allstate, farmers, etc all compete for peoples' business across state lines as they are national companies.

and FYI, this decision by the court stinks. they have now opened the door for the government to force the people to buy things whenever they want to.

All State, Farmers, Etna, etc, etc all have to comply with state laws if they sell inside those states. There are thousands and thousands of state laws that are state specific in nearly every line of insurance. If you want I can find a couple of hundred.

I didn't make a judgement on whether or not SCOTUS decision was good bad or indifferent. I said if all one has to do is remove the state lines and it all works then that would be easy but it is not that easy and it hands the regulation directly to the Federal Government, period. So for all the people that want the Federal Government out of Health Insurance and then turn around and say let them compete across state lines, I think either they can't read or they are smoking some of them left handed cigarettes.


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