
New member
Apr 2, 2002
Me and Moosie had a GREAT morning

We nailed a bunch of geese, and made Moosies cross state goose hunt a success!!
Pictures will follow in the next day or two.

Moosie is great company and hopefully we get to get together again for another adventure!
Thanks for coming over!!!

Now get some sleep Moosie and good luck on the deer hunt!!!
CAn I say Opening day was AWSOME. I will start by telling you all how I shoot. It was the first time shooting from a laying in a field possition and after I got Tangled in the Netting once (By once I mean about 1/2 dozen times
, Having the Gun Slip off my shoulder and POUNDING my arm Muscle, Missing some Honkers at 10 yards, I finally got the Hang of it and got to the Biz that I was there to do.

The first bird Had no Chance as it came in With Me pulling the trigger first and Mike Following within a split Second. We each claimed 1/2 a bird on that one
HEHE, Then I tagged a Bird behind me. We had a Futchin HUGE Flock Come in and Mike Blasted 3 Honkers with 3 Shots !!! Fetchin AWSOME !!! I was more like a Cat Twisted in a Ball of yarn Kicking off the Netting and having the gun Slip and Trying to Sit up and all.... I Blasted the First Shot through the NETTING and toasted a Bird and Missed the other 2 shots. (Sorry About the BIG HOLES in your Camo bud

I'm guessing I was Frustrated and excited and well down right happy bu Definately not shooting worth CHIT !!! All that being said we got 7 geese (8 being the Limit for 2 guys by 7:55 in the Morning.

No more Geese came in after that but I tried to Sneak up on Geese in the Field and never got in. I'd like to say I did an OK job with Sliding through the 4-6" high Stubbles but the Geese didn't let me close the Last 10 YArds that I would have needed to Shoot at them.

We should HAve pics up in a Few Days !!

Mike, Send the Pics to my Office :

Forsgren Associates, Inc.
ATT. Moosie
1444 W. Bannock St.
Boise ID 83702
Way to go Mike and Oscar. Obviously you guys did well on the honkers.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> It was the first time shooting from a laying in a field possition <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I know what you mean Moosie, I just can't get used to shooting from that position (but then again, I don't shoot that well standing up).

Thanks for including your work address. I lost it after I sent it to a rehab center in Minnesota last month.
Moosie, most of the pics are from you hunt, but there are a few from July when we went up there and met ya!! There is a pic of Mackena and Warren's little boy on the 4 wheeler you can give to him. I had to cut the pics to get them to fit in the envelope, but you can still see your guys heads!!
There is also a pic of Mojave and her husband you can give to them, or you can keep it for yourself. Have a great day!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-06-2003 07:46: Message edited by: Tara ]</font>
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