grandpa gets old but stays young


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
In the Sagebrush of SW Montana
I don't get home much except for holidays and this year my grandpa said he turns 80. :eek: The SOB still cuts trees and runs an a dirt moving company. Looks like there's a surprise birthday get-together this spring. I'm totally going to miss the BHA Rendezvous but this is the guy that got me into hunting. I bet the BHA crew that I was going to drink beers with will understand that I'm going to miss out on the festivities in Missoula so I can teetotal with the man himself and tell stupid stories of how the world used to be even though I'm not old enough to really know how it was.

Here are a few of his famous quotes:
“That makes as much sense as a jackass going south.” (I still don't know what the heck this means)
“Even the dogs are black.” (I think this is one of the more racist things I've ever heard but what do you do!)
“Eyes look like two pee holes in a snowbank.”
“Sucking on a bottle again!”
“Can’t go without sucking on a bottle.”
“And you get in a car and drive!” (in reference to driving long distances to work not driving under the influence)
“Your feet will turn black.” (when kids drink coffee)
“Guess what.”
“Guess how old I am.”
“Damn cats.”
“MOM! ... MOM!”
“Did I tell you…” (whatever he told you 30 seconds ago, and yesterday)
“My hands are cold.”
“It’s cold in here.”
“I bet she never put any wood in the stove.”
“Born in a barn?!”
“Can you cut the callous off my foot?”
“I’ll save it for good.” (clothing)
“The TV doesn’t work.”
“Turn the TV up.”
“I can’t hear you.”
“I don’t need a hearing aid.”
“It doesn’t need a muffler.”
“That woman can’t shut a light off.”
“That’s too much money.”
“Don’t have enough money.”
“Isn’t she pretty?” (meaning the dog)
“Where are my gloves?”
“I started in 1963.” (cutting trees)
“I only shoot black powder.”
“I’ve been a black powder shooter since…”
“Did I show you my gun?”
“I wish I never quit.” (playing music)
“graffle” (meaning the grapple on the Bobcat)

Most won't get it (especially how many different ways you can say "what" and mean something totally different) but his dry, sober humor makes me want to move back to Nebraska everyday. He is where I get my black powder snobbery and BS storytelling abilities.
It's been 15 years since I hunted with him but we're banking on a some antelope tags in Wyoming this fall. I can't wait!

Feel free to share your "old fart" stories if you have any.
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Great stuff! I love the quotes!

One of my grandpa's favorite sayings:

"That ain't enough to fill a gnats a** !"

In reference to the amount of pipe tobacco grandma pointed out he was spilling when he filled his pipe bowl, nearly everytime he done it. Good times..
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When I returned home with my 1st empty tag @ 16 he said,"They don't call it shopping".
Mthuntr- Great tribute to your grandfather! Quotes like that need to be written down so as to not fade with time. Well done.

"Tougher than woodpecker lips" was a favorite that my dad used.
Sounds like your grandpa is a lot like mine. He's 75 and still running the family business, farming and driving truck. It sure is an honor to get to work with him every day.

My other grandpa talks almost the same (from what I can tell) as yours. Lot of the same mannerisms. Truly a great generation
I remember my grandpa used to turn to one of us grandkids when grandma was talking to him and say "What's she sayin'? Interpret! Interpret!". He was hard of hearing, but mostly he just liked to cause trouble. Oh, that used to piss her off! I miss him.

The other grandpa tells the most fantastic hunting stories. I still love listening to them, although now I've heard most of them so many times I almost know them by heart. He's so happy to have Hunting Husband to talk to now. Fresh ears. Doesn't matter what the story is, it always involves a "great big ole' (insert animal here)". Great big ole bobcat, great big ole bear, great big ole forked horn, great big ole doe. Doesn't matter. He's a killer, and still manages to bring home some of the damn biggest blacktails I've ever seen, just by going and sitting at one little spot he knows. Has a hell of a time getting them to the truck now though. Wish we were closer so we could go play pack mule.
I'm totally going to miss the BHA Rendezvous but this is the guy that got me into hunting. I bet the BHA crew that I was going to drink beers with will understand that I'm going to miss out on the festivities in Missoula

Just leave a blank check and have fun in NE.:D