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Governors Race

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
OK It is Bad enough that Here in Washington there has been One recount already and The Looser... Now Kerry is going to help pay for the whole state to be recounted....This could take forever...

How many recounts does it take for Gregoire to figure out she is a Looser

Hate Kerry, Love Bush!!! Do not like Gregorie, Like Rossie

Well after putting the state through this Gregorie will have even less fans :cool:

Washington, DC, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry, D-Mass., kicked in more than $200,000 in unspent presidential campaign funds to help Democrats fund a recount in Washington state.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer said Thursday Kerry sent the money to help fellow Democrat Christine Gregoire pay for a second recount of the Nov. 2 gubernatorial ballots.

Republican Dino Rossi was certified the winner by 42 votes. Gregoire has refused to concede.

After a mandatory machine recount shrunk Rossi's lead from 261 votes to 42 votes, Gregoire said she considered the race a tie and promised to make sure every vote cast would be counted.

Even with Kerry's substantial donation, however, Gregoire and the Democrats have not yet raised the $700,000 they need to put up in advance before election officials can begin a statewide hand recount.

A state party spokesman said the Democrats have $500,000 on hand, including Kerry's contribution, and have requested $200,000 from the Democratic National Committee.
12/23/04 news!

Democrat Gregoire Wins Wash. Governor Race

By REBECCA COOK, Associated Press Writer

SEATTLE - Democrat Christine Gregoire has won the Washington governor's race by 130 votes over Republican Dino Rossi, according to final recount results from King County.

King County was the last county to report in the statewide hand recount, the third count of ballots in the governor's election. The election results have not been certified and probably will be challenged in court.

Not that I'm pointing fingers, but I hope that the complainers were registered voters that actually voted in this election! You can't ever say that you vote doesn't count after this election!
Even if she happens to pull it off for what ever reason, I would not like to be in her shoes when it is time for reelection, I don't think she will pull off a second term, even people that want to believe in some one will turn off with this type of underhanded unsportsmanship.
Any one notice how she likes to make herself look like Hillary?
I voted for Rossi but I don't see anything wrong with having the recount. If it had been the other way around I am sure the Republicans would have been all for it. If Gregoire got more votes then she should be governor. It's as simple as that.
Right on WH! I'm glad you voted. I wish more people would get off their asses and vote. It always seems that the people that bitch the most are the ones don't bother to vote!
I am not so sure, they had to come up with some thing like a $750,000 in just a few day's to be able to buy the recount and Kerry put up a huge amount of what he had left to try and make sure it happened.
The recount was the absolute right thing to do. If I am a voter, and I found out my vote was not counted, because somebody "dq'd" it, I would be pissed. It is my right to vote, and they better keep counting until the count MY vote.
I have herd the republicans have come up with several hundred people that claim their votes (for the republican) were not counted. I wonder if they will have to do a "hand" recount of the entire state. Why were the (democrat) votes DQd ?
This is a pissing contest, and no mater who "wins" somebody (half the state) is going to feel ripped off.
I know it would be expensive, but I'm starting to think another election is the only way to resolve this.
Wash. GOP Governor Candidate Seeks Revote ------OLYMPIA, Wash. - Edged out of the closest governor's race in state history, Republican Dino Rossi urged his opponent to accept a revote, saying the uncertainty surrounding the back-and-forth election was bad for the state. Democrat Christine Gregoire's camp immediately rejected the idea as "irresponsible."

I believe Gregoire has won by about 121 votes. Now the Republican candidate is trying to get Gregoire to push for another state wide election. It seems to me the whining done by one side is "just a good idea" when the other side does the same thing. I didn't see the Republican candidate push for another election when he was "the winner". Huh, I wonder why that is?

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