Gotta get into this turkey hunting thing


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota, but never really got into the turkey hunting thing. I am currently back in town visiting family and was invited out by a friend who guides during the spring season. We put three different gobblers to bed last night and tried one of them this morning.

I think I now have the turkey bug. We set up less than 100 yards from where we thought the bird was and in no time he flew in below the decoy and strutted right in to 20 yards.

Would have been an easy shot, but I had no tag. Next year I plan to be back and ready with the shotgun.

Wish I would have started this years ago.
Sounds like a good time for ya anyway. Never been turkey hunting myself so don't know what it is like.
Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck everytime one of those birds gobbles! I get turkey bumps
just thinkin' about it!
It's an ugly disease!
Use great caution. Consider the family. Look at you bank accounts. It's trouble!
Have fun.

i went for the first time serious this year.saw a few birds, got a shot at a gobbler with my son, those things are really tough when they are flying though.lesson learned.: see a bird, dont move:
Can any of you guys reccommend a good call or any other necessities to kill a bird. The guy that took me out uses a Quaker Boy Grand Master and said that would be the way to go. How about a good tape or video to help shorten the learning curve?
I think the best box call to start with is a Lynch 101 Foolproof:

The best tape for spring hunting is Real Turkeys 3 by Lovett Williams:

With that tape and that call you'll be an expert in a few weeks!

I've called in hundreds of gobblers with my Lynch box and if I had the Real Turkey 3 tape 35 years ago when I started I'd have called thousands by now!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-18-2003 00:20: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
That sounds way to fun...
I got to go last year, but this year, I am stuck trying to get this crew put together..
Maybe this fall....I still have the tags!!!
There are supposed to be gobs and gobs of turks on your end of the state...
It is addicting. Kind of like elk hunting but easier terrain. if you ever want to shoot an eastern let me know.
Thanks for the invite Schmalts. Not sure if I will be able to swing it, but you never know. Are non-resident tags over-the-counter?

Ithaca-thanks for the information. I will look into the call and definately get the tape.

ELK-I guess you are inferring that I live in eastern Montana.
I am 300 miles from the border, but I guess some would say that is the east half.
Not many turkeys around here. Lewistown (140 miles away) has some, but the better hunting is more like 250-300 for me.

I guess that is not too far and I will probably put in 500+ to hunt in the Black Hills next year.
Thanks everyone.
They are not over the counter but a pretty easy draw, almost a given in most units

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