Got Wolves?


New member
Jun 9, 2009
At the request of mtmiller, I'm going to post a hunting story. Although I'm not the one doing the hunting in this one. Their gone for now, but 2 weeks ago we had wolves hunting on our property. For 4 nights in a row they were howling very close to the house. At first I was out lighting off bottle rockets in an attemt to run them off, when that didn,t work, I resorted to shotgun blasts. Finally, 2 weeks ago Friday at about 7 P.M. one goes trotting right down our road in broad daylight, about 150 feet from my front door. When I ran out there it was no where insight, but I knew it was still close, so I fired off a couple of rounds. I'm sure they'll be back, but we've not heard from them since. I'm guessing that we are probably minus a few fawn's, and I had 2 yearling buck's feeding regulerly in the backyard, and now I'm only seeing 1, so I'm guessing they got one of them too. Dang wolves!
Hey Lunkerdog,
Where in MN are you? I've seen quite a few wolves while deer hunting up north near Finland & Silver Bay area. Didn't see any on my moose hunt up there in 2006 but heard quite a few and saw fresh tracks.
Finally, 2 weeks ago Friday at about 7 P.M. one goes trotting right down our road in broad daylight, about 150 feet from my front door. When I ran out there it was no where insight, but I knew it was still close, so I fired off a couple of rounds.

What if they had still been there?:D
Why are you launching bottle rockets and calling it hunting??

We do that around here, up until about the age of 12 or 13, then we mature to chasing wimmin instead of launching bottle rockets and playing Dungeons and Dragons....
MM, I had a shotgun with me. If it had been to close I would not have shot it unlees I had to, but if it had been far enough away I would have peppered it to let it know it was being a little too bold. JC, didn't you know that hunting wolves with bottle rockets is the sport of Kings. MNhunter, I'm about 30 miles NW of Duluth, your hunting many miles to the East of me, but I know that ther are alot of wolves in that area.
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JC Why are you an idiot? Was it by birth or was it a career choice?
GP if you look at his avatar, I believe you will understand. It pretty well tells the story. :eek:
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