Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Got my swan for the year


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Well I headed up the mountain Friday to chase the big buck. That night I didn't see much activity and I wasn't pumped for tenting in snow and rain. I was sure Axl was bummed being at home, so I changed plans and headed for the pond.

The first day we took an easy limit, but the mallards were few and far between. I did take this drake GWT with great plumage. I was thinking about a mount, but decided I had better wait a few years. I don't want my house to end up looking like the Moose's. :D

This morning did not get off to a great start. First I was late getting on the water and then I paddled well our of my way to find where the mallards were hanging out. I could get the boat within 300 yards, but it wsa not worth pulling the boat, decoys and misc through that much bulrush.

Finally, an hour and half into shooting light, I got the dekes set out and even threw out the swan decoys just in case. About 15 minutes later, a silent, single swan glided into the dekes. I didn't have time to replace the duck loads, but he was close enough that the 2's did the trick.

This was my fourth swan ever and I had decided that I needed one for the ceiling. Unfortunately, this was the smallest I have ever taken and there was very little color on the bill. Maybe next year things will work out better, although I was thankful for this one.

About 45 minutes later I heard more swans. I grabbed the video camera and taped as they circles the decoys twice. I am sure all seven would have landed if I hadn't been standing up and shooting video. :rolleyes:

It was pretty slow, so I headed in after only 1 1/2 on the pond. I did get a good redhead drake and a drake pintail.

No big buck this weekend, but my dog still loves me now. :D
Nice work.......geez I miss redheads. We just ain't got many in SWIdaho.
When I could get a "clear air" image on Nexrad it appeared there was a push of birds thru Minot and Aberdeen this weekend.
wee! doggie! dude! Thats the swan I saw leaving Fairbanks last week.I meant to call ya and let you know,but heck ya done good with out my help ;) Daniel
Miller, Is that really a redhead or is it paint.. I think some of the paint is leaking down it's bill.... ;)

What do you mean LOOK like Moosies ?!?! If you ant your house to look like mine you would need to shoot smaller bucks and more imature birds

Congrats to the good weekend. I've been slacking this year. Maybe in a few weeks I'll take up the slack ?!?!?!