Goose decoying newbie on a budget.

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
So I just was granted access to a small 10 acre private non-hunted property where the owner says he has a few thousand geese per day fly into. I haven't hunted a goose since hunting with Jose and Moosie in 2003.

I don't want to lay out a pile of $ for decoys...can they be decoyed with a few cheap shells?
Depends on how much they've been shot at. If the are used to flying into that field for the last couple of weeks, and really want to feed there, you could probably decoy them with just about anything.
If they are just flying over, and don't really want to land, it will take a little better setup.
If thousands are dipping into a small ten acres I wouldn't use decoys. I would figure out where they are landing and where you could either dig a small blind (ask the owner first :) ) or you can use the existing cover as a blind. From my experience decoys are needed to coax in birds on a huge tracts of land. If there is only ten acres and they are currently using it every day you aren't going to need decoys to coax them. They are going to land there no matter what. In fact they might get skittish if they see something not quite right on such a small tract.
If thousands are dipping into a small ten acres I wouldn't use decoys. I would figure out where they are landing and where you could either dig a small blind (ask the owner first :) ) or you can use the existing cover as a blind. From my experience decoys are needed to coax in birds on a huge tracts of land. If there is only ten acres and they are currently using it every day you aren't going to need decoys to coax them. They are going to land there no matter what. In fact they might get skittish if they see something not quite right on such a small tract.

Ya. What he said

You are only going to get one go around so don't screw it up. Get lots of guys to make a great shoot if that is your thing. Good luck.
The birds have been going in there every day and have not been shot at? You could probably get away with 1/2 dozen shells and a good hide. Hiding well would be more important than the decoys.

Is there snow on the ground?

Saturday afternoon will be the no-decoy test. Taking out my 14 and 12 year old.....if they get some shooting, they'll be happy enough. Hopefully it is as good as it sounds.

We'll get some burlap covers bought/made up.

Thanks for the replies.
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Good luck TB. If you have anything like the population problem of "urban" geese that we do here please kill the chit out of them. The damn things don't leave, even in the worst winters and they just keep growing in numbers. Now if they could just make them taste better..... I would take up hunting them again
T, you've been in town like ten minutes and people are already offering you goose spots? Amazing...
Don't bother with the decoys, if they are used to thefield you guys will have no trouble thumpin 'em.
Looking forward to the pics and story T-bone. Good luck!!

And I'm with Schmalts...Those Geese are getting so ridiculously high in numbers they may have to start eating the blue turf here in Boise!! It is so funny because you drive around town and you see these coyote sillouettes on golf courses and parks and the geese still dive bomb into the grass.
T, you've been in town like ten minutes and people are already offering you goose spots? Amazing...
Don't bother with the decoys, if they are used to thefield you guys will have no trouble thumpin 'em.

T-Bone has that karisma......... Ice to the eskimo's baby !!!
I know I'm late to the party, I'd play the no decoy hand, too, if you're where they want to be, just wait on em, and open up when you think the time is right. You'll probably only get one hunt, maybe two, so make it worth your while.
The boys and I went out. Since it was my 12 year olds first time shooting at feathers, I elected to carry no shotgun and offer him some coaching.

It was a hoot.

Property was a little different than expected but still 1000's of geese. The first group that came in was the best opportunity. At 20 yards the boys popped up my 14 year old quickly pops off 3 shots while my 12 year old raises the gun and.....nothing. He didn't hear me hissing "Safety! Safety!" After the geese had left, he didn't realize that he hadn't shot. He thought his brothers shots were his! He was laughing about it and had a good time.

The second wave was a huge flock of a couple hundred geese. As they approached the sound was deafening, the kids were shaking with excitement. They were still 60 yards out when my 14 year old pops up and pops off his 3 rounds.....premature maybe? We laughed some more and I provided more coaching.

The birds must have sent the message around to avoid our area, because no others were really close. Some makeable 40 yard shots, which the kids shot at, but in the end, no geese were in danger at any time.

It was a lot of fun though.
That was an awesome thing that you did. Taking the kids out with no shotgun of your own. I'm not sure how many dads can do that. Congrats on a fun memory with your kids!

Sounds like a fun time. I remember the first time I hunted geese with my dad. At 60 yds those things looked as big as 747 to me and I shot too soon all day. Still remember it to this day though. My 13 year old has been on dozens of goose hunts with me and has shot lots of geese and he still has a tough time letting them get close. That is the addicting part of it.

