Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars


Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Membership has it privileges, at least Hunt Talk membership. :D

The folks at goHUNT.com are doing a special trial offer. Only members of our Hunt Talk forum get this Free Trial Promo Offer.

  • 30 day free trial to goHUNT.com INSIDER service
  • Exclusive to our Hunt Talk members
  • Go to www.goHUNT.com/HuntTalk and click the blue "Free Trial" button
  • Cancel anytime within the first 30 days to prevent being charged
  • Your credit card will NOT be charged until after the free 30 days

This is your chance to see what this service is all about, with no risk/cost. Click the link above or the image below and it will take you to the page with this Free Trial. I think you will see why I spend so much time on that site when planning all these hunts for the show.


If you have any questions, email [email protected] and someone from the goHUNT team will promptly respond.
I'm going to go ahead and bump this 29 days later.

Enjoyed the free month, now I get to enjoy a paid year because I can't count days.
Enjoyed the free month myself. Some of the most helpful knowledge I have found for hunting out west. Allowed me to come up with a game plan on where and when to apply.

Definitely a great tool.

Sorry to hear you got popped with the paid year unexpectedly. For those worrying about that happening, I was able to turn mine off before hand in the account settings. It keeps it from charging and you still get to use the rest of the 30 days.
I loved the free month. I had big plans to complete my application strategy for 2017 during the month. I spent a lot of time looking at various options but did not even come close to getting all the info I need. I am certain that this free trial will cost me come December. At least I can ask for it for Christmas. Thanks for the peak Randy.
Good stuff Randy, thanks for the heads up! I can't believe the odds for NV. It's no wonder everybody was upset, but I really can't imagine the odds being that outrageous for residents. I've had the opportunity to draw some fantastic tags and if the odds were really that bad then I should've never drawn one of them. In eleven yrs of applying we've drawn five hunts with less than a 1% chance. We should've hit the lottery with that kind of luck! ��
I went ahead and paid for my membership. By the time I flip through the states hunts and look at success rates draw odds and then google as much hunt info on a unit and weather info I've got a headache and a couple hours have passed. It can be a great tool for planning your applications for next season. I also think one use where time can be of essence is when trying to get leftover tags.

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