Glassing rubber-neckers


New member
Jun 2, 2003
so. Utah
I'm curious if this is just a U-tard problem.

while pulled over beside a road & your glassing or have a spotting scope attached to a window mount, other vehicles start pulling over to cop a look at what you may be looking at, :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: until a line-up of vehicles start forming.
Its starting to annoy me now to the point that I have to do a look off or feign like I'm taking a nap. anyone else annoyed by this?
It happens everywere. Sometimes I like doing that down town too. I start looking in the Sky up at a Bldg. and others start looking. I'll even point every now and then ;)

Most of my glassing is off the road though.
Very common in Calif.
When driving to & from camp, if we get a line of road hunters behind us, we always slam on the breaks, point out the window and grab binoculars, then drive off and watch in the rear veiw mirror.
Somebody ALWAYS gets out with a gun or bow, then the rest of em start pileing out. Pretty soon there's ten idiots standing on the side of the road looking for a deer that was never there in the first palce.
Shoot B_F_E, that's how I arrow all my deer. I just follow you guys around til you spot me one and I come up behind you and let er fly.

It's pretty difficult at times though, I've had to wear a respirator to keep from inhaling too much Utah red dust. I'm thinking I might have to change my tactics a bit this year, as the gas prices are too darn high to keep up with you guys in my big truck. My plan is I'll bring my ol' moped along with it's custom bow-rack for quick shots. That way I can save on gas and manuever in for "closer" shots. ;)

I'm also thinking of making a little money on the side and writing a book on the subject. How about "Glassing rubber-neckers made easy. 10 steps to becomming a Utah archer."

Now you boys keep your binos clean and spot me some good ones this year okay? ;)

BOHNTR )))------------>
Sounds like yellowstone park. Everyone stops to look at the animals but no one seems to know if they are elk, deer or possibly a moose. My favorite one in Yellowstone is when everyone stops to look at a wolf that is really a coyote.
Thanks for the input, oh the depravity

Here's the look off story.
when the rubber-neck gawker slows down point your glasses in a different direction & watch as they stare at sage brush.
I sure am glad I don't frequent these areas any more, in Washington it was awful.
Back in our wilder days during the deer hunt, many moons ago, we would drive slower than the traffic flow down the canyon highway where nobody could pass up. Once we had a few cars following us, we would slam on the brakes, jump out with our guns, and run up the hill into the trees pointing and yelling. We'd get into the trees and then just sit and watch the circus. All the other "hunters" would pull over behind us and get out with their guns and lean over their cars and point and yell to each other about what they thought we had seen. It was great, until one day as we ran up the hill, we jumped a nice 3X4 buck, and the guy in the 3rd car back dumped him right above us as it ran up the hill. Kind of scary, plus kind of illegal shooting from the highway. Needless to say we don't do that anymore, plus we have matured a little since then. Now we just look for B_F_E so we can see what he is looking at!!!!
Hey B_F_E, Like I said on the post, we just follow you around!!!! hehehe
Kind of lucked into this site and seen a lot of familiar names here, and decided to see what goes on here. I sent you a private message, see if you can help me out with it..
did you go to DU Saturday night??

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