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Freaking out!!!!

Hasn't this been happening every year since Obama was elected? It seems a lot like after 9-11 when many people made a run on the gas stations. Guys...they are going to make more. I guess when we live in a country where this is our biggest fear - it's a pretty good place to be.
I have one on order from a gun shop. Its going to be 4 to 6 weeks before i can get it now.
Well I've heard Obama say three times (and one of those times was during a visit to the great state of Montana) that he upholds the 2nd Amendment and the legitimate use of firearms, including hunting and family traditions of hunting (and other uses) yet there seems to be a portion of our society that always manages to have their tv's on the Sportsmans Channel or something whenever he comes on to talk about this issue. There are a lot of votes being cast and opinions formed by people that make a practice of being poorly informed on this and other important know...don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up. There are those that continually vote for one party or the other without knowing how their party represents them and where their party stands a on any particular issue...they just vote that way. I gotta go to bed.

So, you care to explain what you think Obama means by legitimate use of a firearm? Before you do that, you care to look at his stance when he was in Illinois?? Tell me what Obama thinks of a right to own a handgun, not by what he said at re-election time but what he said when he was an Illinois politician.:rolleyes: Are you going to tell me he got a whole new outlook on gun rights when he moved his family from Illinois to DC? Sorry, I would not want this guy making my gun rights or gun laws. The guy even thinks it is wrong for you to use a gun in your own home to stop an invasion. He supported a law to BAN handguns in the state of Illinois.
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Just my thoughts:

1. As stated what are BHO's definitions of hunting guns and guns for home protection
2. I believe that he will try a legislate from the oval office and by-pass congress (as the EPA has done).
3. I believe we will see one heck of a tax on ammo for us legal gun owners. One cann't use the gun if you can not afford the ammo.
4. I believe "without a doubt" his supreme court nominee's (previous and future) will have a long lasting affect on our gun owner rights.

good luck to all
the dog
So, you care to explain what you think Obama means by legitimate use of a firearm? Before you do that, you care to look at his stance when he was in Illinois?? Tell me what Obama thinks of a right to own a handgun, not by what he said at re-election time but what he said when he was an Illinois politician.:rolleyes: Are you going to tell me he got a whole new outlook on gun rights when he moved his family from Illinois to DC? Sorry, I would not want this guy making my gun rights or gun laws. The guy even thinks it is wrong for you to use a gun in your own home to stop an invasion. He supported a law to BAN handguns in the state of Illinois.

I was not entirerly serious, just frustrated with the national news and politicians thinking gun control would have made a difference. It sounds like the slick willy days when no crisis was wasted. Good thing the fiscal cliff is still out there or some might think five and a half years of extreme deficit spending has done no harm.
Schmalt's cheese has slipped off his cracker.

Thats all you can come up with?, one sentence insults when you know you may be wrong? If you refer to my post of Obama hating guns do you have anything to counter what I posted as his past voting recored? Your going to really go on what a politician says at re-election time campaign town halls over what he voted and sponsored in his past? Talk about slipping.. You fell both feet first in the biggest pile of BS there ever was.
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