For you bighorn experts, let's play the annuli game

Have fun with this one.

Got a sadistic streak, do you Mr Miller?

That photo, while a wonderful piece of art like most of yours are, is an excellent example of why I do not support age-determining requirements in our game regulations. Whether full curl, three-quarter curl, half curl or "any ram" requirements, all those are, or should be, reasonably workable regulations under real-world hunting conditions even in those rare circumstances where snow, rain, fog, blowing dust, glare or even (heaven forbid!) drifting smoke might impact mountain visibility in a somewhat deleterious manner.
Updating my reply: Many of the photos, and the wide range of SWAGs offered in response to Craig Miller's game support my position that full curl, three-quarter curl, half curl or "any ram" are sufficient requirements for realistic field conditions.

Thanks for posting the fine photographs and initiating an interesting and somewhat 😢 informative thread. Thanks also to other members for their photos, insight and humility :D. (None need point out that I did not offer any opinions on rams' ages myself. I'm older by six decades than any of those rams. I'd like to think that I learned a thing or two in that amount of time, even if it wasn't how to accurately count horn annuli.)

Who the hell knows. What a mess.

Second shot is pretty crappy, but I liked the action.

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I Love Craigs photos never sheep hunted but applied like many for yrs and IMO most of these fall into the old enough for me if I had the tag lol
I'm saying only 8. Body condition on a 10-12 year old ram would be a lot worse off as well.
Mark it up and let's see where you break it down.
I feel like it's always a WAG for me.
Keep in mind that the distance between annuli decreases proportionally each year. If you find lines that don't fit that pattern don't count them.

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