First Time Idaho Archery Pronghorn


New member
Jun 10, 2017
Southern Idaho
Hey everyone! Im a first time archery big game hunter. Actually Im a brand new big game hunter as I got my first rifle elk in Idaho last year. Decided to take up archery. I am getting a tag for 21-A hunt area, archery antelope, and trying to get any advice to be successful this year. I am planning to go Monday night before opening day, which is Tuesday, and plan to hunt for a couple days. Looking for any tips on location, spot and stalk, etc. Thanks for any help you all have to offer. - Heff
I put in for the same tag, as well as many other have on here I'm sure. What area are you looking to hunt?
Pick an area and learn it - find an ambush spot - make a little blind... Spot and stalk is tough on lops - usually just helps the guys in blinds.
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Nice, thanks for the advice. I have a friend with some land north of fairfield who is keeping an eye out for me.
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you in a bit. I'll be North East of there. I've never been out by Fairfield myself but what f owl hunter said is good advice. Pick an area and learn it. Start asking farmers about property access. Find the water and trails to it. Spot and stalk is pretty tough on speed goats. Not impossible by any means but I'm picking a spot to sit and wait myself.

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