Caribou Gear Tarp

First Duck


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Lake Tahoe, CA
I went out on a guided duck hunt this weekend got my first duck. I got a drake mallard Was hoping to get so help, when i breasted it out it Had white things in the meat is this normal or is the meat bad. I put it on ice after the morning of my first hunt kept it on ice. When I got home approx. one day on ice. and 3 or 4 hours after shooting not on ice. I also got a pintail and a wigeon but when breasting them they looked like regular meat. I just don't know so I was hoping you all could help don't want to eat anything that will get me sick. Tryed to upload photos but keeps telling me upload failed.
I have seen that a lot in Shovelers. I`m not sure what it is, might be fat, might be a parasite...don`t know. But my theory is, "when in doubt, throw it out". I hate to waste any meat but I`ve thrown some away in the past. Maybe someone else can shed more light on this. I`ll keep an eye on this post, maybe I`ll learn something.

BTW, Congrats on the ducks. Be`s additive!
Thanks for the info it has helped a lot. I did research on rice breast and it says not harmful to humans but I don't think I'm going to eat it.
Ya I know as soon as my wife found out she said no way in he** am I eating it lol. I also got the pic to upload.


  • First Duck Hunt 015.jpg
    First Duck Hunt 015.jpg
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Nice birds, If I knew what waterfowling would end up costing me I probably should not have ever shot the first bird. Now thousands of dollars later, probably tens of thousands, scouting, travel, decoys, dogs, trailers, shells, layout blinds, etc etc, I still would rather hunt waterfowl then just about anything. When I leave the house at 5 am and it is below zero my wife seriously questions my mental health. Anyway congrats on the birds.

Nemont, I'm with you on the depth of the's bottomless, but radar, congrats and welcome to the ranks of junkies.
I have a hard time eating ducks that have "good" meat.......

Congrats on the Hunt, sounds like you got a couple different birds and had a great time !!