Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars



Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I might have talked about this before... but I have 2 fetish's that I can't seem to break.

1-White Shoes: I like Clean White Shoes. I usually buy a New pair of shoes every 2 months or so. Sometimes I buy 2 pairs at a time to trade off so they last 4 months total but a PAir usually only last a couple months till I throw them in A pile in the Garage. I actually jsut found a Pair that fits good and I'm thinking about going to Walmart and buying a dozen of them just to have some on hand.

2-White, clean socks : Socks are cheap just like shoes. I see guys wearing socks with holes in them and think what the heck ? But ALOT of people have that. For me, I wear a Sock 3-4 times them maybe a Couple more for cutting the Grass and they are Trashed. Never a Sock having a hole in it, I jsut don't keep them that long. I mean, I( bought 2 dozen pair today and I'm out like $16.

NOW, Don't take me for a Snob because I can Wear Crappy jeans, a Ripped shirt, or go out in public with Uncombed hair or whatever, It's not those things that bother me but I can't wear dirty white shoes.. And I think Black shoes look gay on me.....

Anyways, just wondering whaty some of you guys do or don't do and have a Fetish about.

OHHhh one more thing that bothers me..... I can't drink the Last of the Milk. I mean, when the milk gets to the Bottom of the Container I have to Dump the rest out. I could litterally take the Last 2 glasses out and Go for a third and see that it would be th last of it and Would have to open a New Milk and put that one back in for the Kids or wife. Can't do it, Just gives me the Hebie-jebies.... Wierd huh ?

Anyways.... tell me I'm not the only one thats wierd, I've owned this place long enough to know this should be the Longest topic around ;)
I think IdahoBugler can appreciate your #1 fetish more than anyone. Bear tracking wouldn't and couldn't be the same without a clean, super-fresh pair of sneakers!

I'm not a man of many fetishes but I have tons of pet peeves! :D
Good lord let it be folks. If he is gay that so be it and if he is straight even better. He may be a little weird when it comes to his feet but ............. OK not may be weird but is weird. OH crap look at that I am thinking out load again.
Sorry about that.
I see so many things that my wife worries about, you know that color doesn't go with that or you are wearing blue and black at the same time? Makes you look like a bruise......... I don't need any of my own "fettishis" she has them all.
I think its the sandals that make him look gay.

I have to have at least 1/2 gallon of Grapefruit juice in the pantry. When the next to last one comes out of the pantry to the fridge, I am off to the store to get more, same with toothpaste, mouthwash, and razor blades, always have to have a reserve.
Things must be slow at work eh?

Can anyone find Moosie in last weeks Fourth of July parade?? :D

I think IdahoBugler can appreciate your #1 fetish more than anyone. Bear tracking wouldn't and couldn't be the same without a clean, super-fresh pair of sneakers!
I do appreciate his shoe fetish. Thanks dude for saving my feet.

I never knew about the socks. That's crazy 3-4 times then trash???? I use mine till they are falling apart. The milk thing is just crazy.
Things must be slow at work eh?


Posted, Yesterday, 11:06 PM

Yah, when I'm done with 16 hours of work, Swiming lessons for the kids, yard work, .......shopping for socks and shoes, I'm like , "CRAP. I'm Bored, things are slow at work..." ;)

MarvB, I'm the One just to the left of you, remember ?

White socks and Black shoes are gay.

Bear tracking wouldn't and couldn't be the same without a clean, super-fresh pair of sneakers!

Well, he got the bum end becasue they were a month old anyways. I was about to dump them... :p
moosie, you buy your shoes from walmart?
do like i did and have yourself a pair sent to you every couple months.

the good ol jack pretzel's ! YEAYA!
you cant get these in walmart my friend!

I've got a couple of hang-ups; 1st is that I have to have my hot food HOT, and my cold food COLD! If my dinner is not served piping hot, then I'm not happy! At home, I'll frequently blast the plate in the microwave for a minute prior to eating.... If I'm out at a resturaunt, I'll complain if I feel like the plate was left to sit for a few minutes prior to it being brought to me (embarases the chit out of my wife...). If my cold food (salad, milk, etc..) is not super cold, then it just isn't good (IMO). 2nd, I always wash my hands prior to washing my hair in the shower! I can't stand to wash my hair unless my hands have been washed. :eek:

Wearing socks 3-4 times, then relegatting them to yard work? Now that's weird!!! :rolleyes: You ought to see my shoes Moosie! They'd make you squirm for sure!!! ;)


Mine are no where near the sock and shoe, whack job, but....

I have a huge fitted hat fetish. I must have 80 fitted hats and can't stop buyin them

anuther is I can't put anyting away dirty, like boat, 4wheeler, lawnmower, weed whacker, etc. Drives me nuts to see 50k++ boats rolling down the road with lake lines.
This isn't what I expected to find when I clicked on the "Fetishes" threadhump

Guess mine would have to be very similar to Jezz's...gotta have a fitted lid and it's gotta be a St. Louis Cards. A buddy gave me a cool Angels cap for being in his wedding. Wore it for two days and my Cards lost both days...now it's hidden in the back of the closet with my skeletons.

Jezz...check this site out www.lids.com if you haven't already found it.
Fetishes? Heck I got your fethishes right here. ;) Unfortunately my fetishes can't be discussed in Fireside. :eek:

That sock thing is so funny. I swear when we hang with Moosie my husband will search for the holeyest worst socks he owns just so he can mess with his head. :p

I fully know where the milk thing comes from though. When we were kids my mom used to freeze the milk. The first bit was fine but by the end it was gross. There you go, Moosie Psych 101.

Now where can I find me some hot muscle bears in heels. ;)
I guess I'll say it. This darn WEBSITE!!!:D :D :D

But I'll bet I'm not the only one in this line! I come here too many times a day and like another poster said in another thread "it's like a car wreck." I always check the one's with the posters that are tryng to save the world by educating the rest of us. It's not working though cause I'm not checking this post for spellin or grammical errors!
Ithaca 37 said:
Well, since we're confessing our darkest secrets: :D I wouldn't exactly call this a fetish, but I can't stay awake in church unless I'm wearing hip boots. Seems perfectly normal to me, though.:)

That right there is funny.:D :D :D I'll be laughing in church tomorrow.
Being a bachelor I am a slob. However there are two things that annoy the crap out of me. When my hunting gear is not where I left, or when somebody borrowed it and didn't bring it back right away. I need my hunting crap right where I left it. It all stays in one big bag, but when somebody messes with it drives me nuts.

The other one if pretty close to the same. I hate it when my guitar gear gets messed with. I don't care if you can play, think you can play or just want to mess around with my guitar. Put it back where you found it, in the stand you found it in. If you turned on my amps turn them back off, if you moved them put them back.

There are some others but those are the main two.
My fettish or pet peave is having all of my tools in my tool box where they belong. I have a stepson that loves to fix things, but never puts the tools where they belong! Grrrrr! I hate it when I'm in the middle of a project and I can't find the tool required for the job!!!
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