Feeders and mineral near farm?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2016
I am now able to hunt some land on the in-laws farm up in ND. I don’t know much about whitetail hunting in the plains. It is an area where I can use a feeder or other products out there... salt licks or mineral, etc.

If I am out in farm land with corn and alfalfa fields until harvest time, is there any point in using a feeder or any of the antler growth products or is it a waste of $$$$?

My gut tells me food is abundant and it’s pointless... but I really don’t know.
Waste of money if there is already food everywhere. Mineral licks do help the herd overall health but won’t help you hunt them. If CWD is anywhere near your area you are better off not putting one out.
Salt licks can help, and deer will use them even with lots of food around, particularly in early archery season. The key is to use them in a spot that is already a natural place for deer to be coming through so it only adds another reason for them to be there rather than it being the sole attractant. We use a 50 lb bag of salt and 50 lb bag of dicalcium phosphate and mix them together rather than buying the blocks. You will want to get them in place early in the year when the deer are starting to grow their antlers.
Also make sure it is ok with the farmer. If you put that much salt out it will permanently kill that ground. The farmer will never grow anything there again. As it leaches into the ground it will also kill any trees that may have a canopy over it.

As a guest on our farm if you did that with out getting approval you would be asked not to return and you would be getting a bill for the clean up.
Of course I would ask... it’s not my land...and it would be a sheltered area not in crops fields.
Good minerals are a great way to help the herd. Don't use salt. A small depression in the ground then mix the loose minerals into the soil. Even healthy deer herds can use some help over winter and early spring. Trace minerals are scarce when snow covers the ground. We put them out on recommendation from G&F and do not hunt over it.
Check labels and get from a proven source. Make sure there is a water source nearby.
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