Facebook & PETA

I've talked to several non-hunters and they thought it was hilarious. They know that most people do it legally and could care less about other people doing what they're allowed to do. PETA doesn't exactly have a great name with anyone other than their hardcore followers, but there's no way to turn those kinds of people into believing that hunting is actually good for conservation and food
I could care less of who it offends! I don't think it shined any "positive" light on PETA themselves, as I believe most of the people who have a problem with hunters had them long before some dumb ass Facebook border.

I'll never apologize for being a proud hunter, and I'll never make an excuse to anyone, for any reason, for providing for my family.

Eat Sh*t PETA.
Nobody is asking anyone to apologize for being a hunter. It would be nice if some took a little bit of time to think about how they represent the hunting community on social media before posting, though. I noticed more than a few people choosing their most gruesome hunting photos to show off with this PETA filter. You're off your rocker if you don't think this is self-destructive behavior. Many people seem to take pride in going out of their way to offend anti-hunters without realizing they are also offending the non-hunters that we desperately need on our side.

Perhaps if the non-hunters had a bit higher image of the average hunter in British Columbia they wouldn't have just banned grizzly hunting.
I thought about it. I laughed about the border. I realized that if people sway their view of hunters on social media by a Facebook border profile picture, they're probably too dense to research the good that hunters and conservationists do for the wildlife anyway.


Bob has 500 Facebook friends.

249 are hunters.
249 are anti's.

2 are undecided.

Bob posts a picture of him holding a burger at McDonalds after a successful whitetail hunt he took his son on. Both of the undecideds like the picture and say "WOW! That makes me hungry!". Bob then posts a picture of himself with his son, kneeling next to future burger meat that his family will eat for weeks or months. Both of the undecideds berate Bob for being such a monster and become Anti-hunting douche-canoes.

What I take from this REALLY BAD EXAMPLE: If people are already so dense that they can't differentiate a McDonalds Big Mac and a deer/cow/elk/duck/pheasant from a successful hunt as food, their opinion of me doesn't matter Jack anyways. Don't even have to try to offend anyone anymore these days.

Can't fix stupid, just hope it dies before it reproduces.
I thought about it. I laughed about the border. I realized that if people sway their view of hunters on social media by a Facebook border profile picture, they're probably too dense to research the good that hunters and conservationists do for the wildlife anyway.


Bob has 500 Facebook friends.

249 are hunters.
249 are anti's.

2 are undecided.

Bob posts a picture of him holding a burger at McDonalds after a successful whitetail hunt he took his son on. Both of the undecideds like the picture and say "WOW! That makes me hungry!". Bob then posts a picture of himself with his son, kneeling next to future burger meat that his family will eat for weeks or months. Both of the undecideds berate Bob for being such a monster and become Anti-hunting douche-canoes.

What I take from this REALLY BAD EXAMPLE: If people are already so dense that they can't differentiate a McDonalds Big Mac and a deer/cow/elk/duck/pheasant from a successful hunt as food, their opinion of me doesn't matter Jack anyways. Don't even have to try to offend anyone anymore these days.

Can't fix stupid, just hope it dies before it reproduces.

The problem with your example is that in the real world 30 of Bob's friends will be hunters, 30 will be anti-hunters, and 440 will be non-hunters. Those 440 are the ones we need to be concerned about.

I'm not saying we should tiptoe around constantly afraid of offending people, just that we should do our best to show ourselves in a good light. Some of the things I saw last week did not do that.
The problem with your example is that in the real world 30 of Bob's friends will be hunters, 30 will be anti-hunters, and 440 will be non-hunters. Those 440 are the ones we need to be concerned about.

I'm not saying we should tiptoe around constantly afraid of offending people, just that we should do our best to show ourselves in a good light. Some of the things I saw last week did not do that.

This part is the only thing that bothered me. I did see some seriously graphic kills not on my FB feed, but on some examples from other forum threads discussing this topic. The ones that were tasteful grip and grins I thought were funny as heck and so did most of the non hunters, but one in specific that a non hunter lady showed me on her feed of a pig with a 3ft pool of blood, half the pig covered in blood and the guy with his hands halfway in the pig pulling the guts out. That pic was the .1% that gives us a black eye. The kids with there turkey or slick head were awesome and very well accepted by the non hunters I have been talking to.
I was expecting to see Dinkshooter astraddle a 340" with a ducktail haircut and a cigarette hanging corner kisser. No luck..
Anyone who says when they first saw it they didn't chuckle a little either has no sense of humor or is lying. But it got old real quick, in like a day. I don't think of all the non-hunting friends I have on FB none of them had a negative reaction, and most laughed. I mean, the irony was simple and a little crude, but funny.