Caribou Gear

everything vs moose


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Iron range
I am concerned MN hunter it is not looking good for the moose pop. up in the north woods with the ticks going after them not to mention the wolf pop. is geting closer to the same as the moose. Are moose hunt is down to 104 tags roughly issued they said maybe half of them will fill their tag not good odds for once in a life time. I have never drawn i would rather have are kids kids be able to enjoy them.
Yea it does one moose i guess they got a couple million ticks off of it. It was trying to rub the ticks off and took most of its fur off then it died they were trying to blame global warming but all other moose pop. in the country are holding steady.
Definitely a bad situation up there. I was fortunate to draw in 2006....I hope my kids have the chance someday. I hope they figure out the varuious causes and rectify the situation before it is too late
yup that would be cool if they figure sum thing out. This winter was a hard one last year moose pop. is around 4500 they said last wolf i heard was 3500 i sure hope they open season on them.
I'm in the same boat with you, I don't even apply anymore they are still taking some nice moose up there but I will never see the population the way it was. Not sure if it's worth it or not, just read something in the outdoor news about the moose may be dieing from a snail that they may eat. Deer can pass it and the moose will die from it.
That is not good at all . The way i figure it we can always go to ak it will be expensive but worth it to save are moose pop. not to mention trying to draw for 20 years and a lot of people still dont get one .
That is not good at all . The way i figure it we can always go to ak it will be expensive but worth it to save are moose pop. not to mention trying to draw for 20 years and a lot of people still dont get one .

If you decide sometime in the future you're serious about an Alaska moose hunt, shoot me a PM or an email - done 6 remote Alaska hunts for moose or caribou in the past decade, and hoping to go on another this year, so I have a lot of the planning and logistics dialed in pretty well. Might save you a lot of time and effort.
Sounds good i will keep you in in mind for a future hunt i have been their once and i am for sure going back again if not to live up their.