Elk hunting early September in Montana


New member
Jul 12, 2012
I am planning my days off for the Archery elk season. I was wondering what the opinion was on hunting elk the first couple weeks of September in Montana? I know the rut usually does not start until later.
I believe that any day your out hunting elk, it's a great day. Here's what I've found out.
1).You won't hear as many bugles as you do during the main rut cycle.
2). You might have better luck with elk on wallows early, (they travel a bunch latter on) and just plain patterning them. They tend to be in a routine early.
3). The littler bulls are more bunched up and receptive to calls early.

I've witnessed a lot of elk killed early. Starting with the opener.

Good luck!
my thoughts are this...I usually dont hunt too early in sept but the times I have the bull of course are not as vocal but do come in silent. Bigger bulls looking for the first hot cow of the season are more likely to come into call. Even though its hot a heck there is still good hunting to be had. Anytime in sept is great time to be in elk country
We kill our elk every year around the 7th to 14th of september sometimes they come running sometimes you go to them but still lot of action i found if its hot we have better luck dont know why but it works out that away. Last year we got snowed on not much but enought to cover ground and the elk shut up then it warmed up and they talked i dont get it i think when its hot and dry they came down a little lower for water. But we always get our elk first week of bow season and only reason that we do it is because thats when work allows it so thankfully the elk have been cooperative.
I think it's easier to call in a good bull the first half of September when they are still getting cows together, but after saying that, we always do our bow hunts in the northcentral part of Wyoming the second half of the month when they're more vocal.
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Though I'm not a big elk killer, especially in archery season, I do get into bulls daily... matter fact, I think there were only a couple days in the last 10 years while elk hunting that I didn't get in close to bulls... I just seem to have a hell of a time putting that last coup de grace on the elk! I hunt all season, and frankly, have seen little difference in my ability to get into them. Have had hot and heavy bulls the 1st of September and have had some phenomenal experiences as late as October 6...

Good Luck!!
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