Elk callers please help


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I have 2 bulls down in a swomp that have been responding pretty good to cow calls and bugles. But after a few bugles they stop responding. If i go back latter in the day they do the same thing.they just wont come out of that swomp what can i do to intice those bulls to come in. Im new to calling elk. please help. thankyou
Lots of different ways to go about it. I would get the wind in my favor and drop in. I would take as much time as possible and cow call or bugle to see werer thery are. Get a lot close then you have been so they don't feel comfortable. This will make them decide weather they want to come in or go away. If they start moving off together they are probably smaller bulls and not ready for you. Try cow calling them in. All situation are different, so you just have to adapt to the situtation! Try and try again till you get it right. I messed up lots before I started to figure it out! My 2 cent.
As Corey Jacobsen would say locate them, get wind in your favor and slip in quietly to 100yds then cow call and if one bugles back then do an agressive bugle on top of him. check out elk101.com for some pointers and good videos.
Good luck!
Sounds like a couple mediocer size bulls with some cows. Probably 3 year olds. I would drop down in the swamp with a good wind and get as close as possible. Move slow and be careful. Probably lots of eyes. Let out an occasional chirp to sound like a cow wanting to join the group. Too much calling will blow it. I would close in to under 100 yards if possible. Something to like 60+-. If you decide to let out a sqeal, do a puky one without your tube. These other bulls might think a little bull is trying to steal their cow and may come charging in. It's always a learning process and learning how to think like an elk. My2cents................ go easy on the calling, and get down in there and feel um out. Good Luck.
Another thing to remember is elk will come to the sound of your movement. Get close, do a couple chirps and move through the brush. They will hear it and come to investigate. I've had bulls hang up to cow calls, but come running in once I started walking off. Just adds more realism.
thanks ill try that tonight. they are driving me crazy. they are bugling at night now. so im hoping they are getting crazy rutting. and will make a mistake.thankyou
Maybe the guy down there is wondering why the hell he can't get the darn bull up above to come on down... Haha! J/K.
I felt terrible one event... I heard a bugle way off in the distance, called back and got a response. Partner and I were excited as we had only gone in 1/8 a mile or so... about 1 hr later, us working in - we found our bull... an initially peeved hunter who thought he was on to a nice bull... and vise-versa... Haha! Only down side, the guy had been working over a few miles from another trail location... A really friendly guy - esp when a cold PBer was offered and a ride back to his truck...

As mentioned - maybe work some cow calling... seems he (they) feel pretty herded up down there so, a sat bull may feel lucky to gather a couple cows of his own - or maybe a bigger bull may come up to reign in a couple more cows into his harem down below... ? OR reduce your threat bugle to a smaller bull type call...
One more thing to consider, as if there arent already enough. Sometimes even if the bull is the biggest and baddest around, he'll push the cows off and leave rather than take a chance of losing a fight. He's already got the cows, be careful not to sound like too much of a challenge. If they are being vocal and staying in the same place(area) and just seem to be moving in circles, he's tending the cows because more than likely he thinks one or more is ready or almost ready to breed. Try to slip in quietly, no calls, find a spot with good shot oppurtunities and let him come to you following the cow(s). I've gotten lucky and taken more than 1 bull this way, including this years, especially in pre rut. Most areas they are just starting to get worked up.
Try using one of Montana Decoys elk because the bulls are really good at pin pointing where the call is comming from and want to see another elk before closing the gap. I also have to agree with everyones suggestions on getting close (less than 200 yrds) and making the sounds of moving around like stepping on a twig etc.
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