Caribou Gear

Elk Body Measurements


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
So what is the consensus on an elk chest to withers measurement?

If I need to hold 12 inches high, what can I refer to on the elk that gives me that measurement?

I think that vary's on each elk, some are smaller, some are bigger, some are average, but I would say if you aim at the heart 12" above that should be the top part of the lungs-ish, get a range finder and a scope with turrets and just hold dead on...... :)
When I was figuring how to judge distance based on how my pins measured up to an elk torso at certain distances, I think we figured it to be around 33". I'd say between 30 and 36". So if you're going to hold 12 inches high, I'd be aiming about 10" below the withers, hoping to hit about 1/3 or the way up from the bottom of the chest.
CF I think you and I are on the same page.

From 300 yards 10" or 12" is going to look about the same. 1/3rd of the chest depth.
Yeah, so I guess to simplify you can just say 1/3 from the top.

The reason I wanted to figure it out was for ranging an elk with my bow. It came out that at about 30 yards, the torso of a bull fits just about right between my 1st and 3rd pins, meaning if it shows up bigger, its likely closer to 20 yrds, and smaller, its likely closer to 40 yrds. Its an easy way to get a good estimate in timber(where I find its harder to estimate ranges) without messing with a range finder.