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Early Elk Hunt Guidance


New member
Jan 7, 2017
Will be a first time elk hunter.

Trying to get out to back country archery hunt and will have to hunt the earliest part of the season. I was advised to bring a tree stand and hunt over water holes. I realize it will be hot and the elk will not be bugling but I don't want to just sit like I do during most of my deer season here in NY.

Will I be able to still spot and stalk that early in the season?

What state are you hunting in? I prefer to hunt the first week of archery in CO. Elk haven't been hassled and it is not to early to get them to bugle. I personally wouldn't mess with a tree stand, elk are noisy so you can hear them and sneak up on them, but always pay attention to the wind. You can fool their eyes and ears but if they smell you they're gone.
skip the treestand. Get out of your comfort zone hunting style and get after 'em on the ground. You can always sit water on the ground if hunting water seems to be the best strategy.
Took a stand once and only once. Stay on the ground and stay mobile. I've had elk come for that place that there's no way an elk will come from there. The more time you spend putting a stand up = more scent in the area.
If you bring a stand id suggest a leave it at home. Too much to carry. If you want to hunt a tank id set a ground blind up. Ive had success early season tank hunting.

3rd day of the season we werent hearing anything. Then we heard one real faint bugle. My partner and i had differing opinions on direction. So we hung tight. Heard him again but it was more faint. This time we knew the direction. Started calling and within minutes he was on us. Big 7x7 that my partner stuck. Tracked him for 8 tenths. Blood dried up. Heading for a tank we hadnt checked out. Within a week we took a 5x5, a 6x6, and a cow off that tank. After the first bull my partner sat at the tank with another guy despite me telling him you only want 1 guys scent. He had a bear tag as well. He ended up seeing the original 7x7 but goofed it up because he had too many people in the blind. This tank was unmarked .17 off a road but flat terrain. Was really a big mud puddle.

I would rather spot and stalk. But have no reservations about tank hunting early season.
As someone who hunts out of a stand for whitetail, I do love NOT being in one while elk hunting! Leave that extra weight at home and enjoy being more mobile! I wouldn't even think about carrying that thing in the elk mountains.
Cant give you first hand knowledge of those units. But... Im sure youre not the only guy using them as a source for info. Meaning you might have a little more pressure.

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