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Dubya starts Slinging Mud in March


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Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Looks like ol' Dubya is getting a bit worried about Kerry, as Bush sets the record for the earliest negative campaign ad by an incumbent. Of course, nobody should have expected Bush to take the High Road. :mad:

Mar 11, 2004
The Mud Has Been Thrown — Bush Goes Negative

Washington, D.C. — Today, President George W. Bush unveiled his first negative television ads against Senator John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee. The ads, part of a multi-million dollar ad campaign, will air in 18 states, and marks the first time that a presidential candidate in this cycle has gone negative through paid media advertisements.

In response, Democratic National Committee (DNC) National Spokesperson Jano Cabrera released the following statement:

"Bush going up with negative ads this early in the season only proves that desperate times call for desperate measures. With negative job growth, a negative trade balance and a budget firmly in the negative, it seems only fitting for the Bush team to employ a negative campaign strategy."
But I thought higher of Dubya. I was hoping he would not take the negative route. That is one of the things I liked about John Edwards....

But why would an incumbent, who you all claim will win and has a great record on the environment, economy, and other domestic affairs be needing to stoop so low? You would think he could find something positive to run about?
When he put up a commercial showing his accomplishments ie, the aftermath of 911 a bunch of whinny little ****s started crying about that as well. If your gonna get kicked in the nuts no matter what you do, you might as well kick back. As far as Bush being better than that, I think this whole campaign is going to be one big mud slinging, nut busting fight. I also think you will see one of the lowest voter turn outs in a long time.
The main part of the the 9/11 commercials that people "whined" about was the images of the flag draped coffins. There were many on the GOP side that said that was maybe crossing the line.

And the irony that the coffins coming back from Iraq are off limits, out of respect for the families. (Which I agree with, but it does point to a double standard from Dubya, on which coffins you can exploit for re-election, and which set of remains you show respect to.)

Nobody is arguing Bush didn't do a good job after 9/11. But when I go to work, I have more than one thing to accomplish, so I would hardly expect to keep my job, if I only did well in one area (9/11) and I totally neglected the other 90% of my job (Econonmy, Health Care, Environment, Education, Labor, etc...)

And on these ads, Dubya is just making up the $900 billion number, and implying Kerry will raise taxes by that much.
"Bush going up with negative ads this early in the season only proves that desperate times call for desperate measures....."

Elkgunner your analytical skills are rusting. All this proves is..... "nothing". It does suggest that Bush's war chest is sufficient to begin the attack well ahead of schedule. Besides, the Dems have nothing to worry about over a little mud slinging; unless of course "it sticks!"
Gee I would have thought you to be much mlore expert at "mud slinging". ;)
Econonmy, Health Care, Environment, Education, Labor, etc...)
I don't see where you really don't think that he has not addressed any of this. Maybe not to the extent that Ol' Billy said he would, but one can't say that he hasn't helped any or most of these any way. Economy, when the last president left, he wandered off with a big smile and the economy was definatly going south and into the toilet, that is on the rebound right now by the lowering of tax's, he has addressed some of the health care by giving elders more drug moneys to spend, what you may deam unhealthy to the environment, so far I see it as a better middle of the road aproach, not a shut it all down and let the back country take care of itself aproach as the last president did. The environmental wacko's would have every one belive that the one sided thinking they have is the right way for management purposes and I would out right say, they are 100% wrong. I haven't seen anywhere that education is taking any hits, well maybe any that shouldn't be getting them. Our education system in this country is going to the dogs, and it is the liberal throw money into the cogs till it runs right theories that never work that have gummed up and created the problems that we now have, not the presidents. With all the spending being done right now that Bush and Congress have put thru, how can you figure more people arn't working, all that money just doesn't go into a few pockets and is forgotten about. Lets start looking at the big picture and not be sucked into the bablings of what our illustrious left minded media has to tout every day. I have belived over the time that I have known you on the board that you were a little more educated on the actual goings on around you and not duped by the small minded people around you that are only after their own petty gains and not what is good for this country as a whole...
No matter what Dubya says or does, you guys are going to be critical. If he doesn't defend himself he is accused of avoiding the issues. When he defends himself and points out the other guys track record he is slinging mud. Look at all the negative shit Kerry been saying about Dubya. Nobody accuses him of MUD SLINGING.

Go look at the Jobs numbers, go look at the manufacturing numbers. Go look at the value of the Bush Tax credits, and then go look at how much more you will spend at the gas pump. Look at the numbers the Oil companys will post for profits vs. the value of the tax credits. Then come back and tell me that Dubya is doing a good job.
Chief Executive and Commander In Chief; that sir is the job description. Not, Employment office, Oil barrel price comptroller, CPA,etc. Get a grip man oryou won't even know who is responsible for your own glosospasmic linguel mastication!! :eek:

[ 03-13-2004, 17:09: Message edited by: pawclaws ]
Can someone describe the ad in question? Just because the opposition calls it negative doesn't necessarily make it so.

Gunner, I know you're anti-Bush but how can you make the assertion that 9/11 et al, accounts for only 4% of the "job" levied by circumstance on the Bush presidency.

I see your point that its not and cannot be "everything" but consider this: 9/11 forced a cultural overhaul within the U.S. Government and brought to the fore the real fact that securing the homeland (not the Dept) requires systemic interdepartmental change.

So, considering all this in light of the role of any president in setting national policy, and the political wrangling required to push that policy through congress...how can you trivialize the significance of 9/11 on this presidency?

4%? try 74%
After calling Republicans crooks and liars, running 17 negative ads over 15,000 times and spending $6.3 million attacking the president, John Kerry is calling for a civil debate on the issues," said Schmidt. "John Kerry should finish the debate with himself."

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