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Dubya gets Embarassed in Ohio....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
A couple of interesting items in this article... One, is Bush digging into the polls, so he can figure out what to say in his speech....
Second is more on the guy from Commerce who should never have been considered for the position. Third, the "politics" that the Kerry camp used to make Dubya look foolish :rolleyes:
, and finally, the admission by the Bush camp that the Kerry guys got them....

President Bush was feeling back in the game as Air Force One headed to Cleveland last week. Just that morning, aides had put the final polish on a new speech, in which Bush would make his first full run at what his team calls the economic-isolationist policies of John Kerry. After months of being pounded by the Democratic candidates, "the President was really fired up," says Representative Steven LaTourette of Ohio, who joined Bush for a private pizza lunch in his airborne office. Once considered solidly Republican, Ohio is now up for grabs in the presidential election, thanks to its having lost more than 250,000 jobs in the past three years. But Bush had dived into his internal Ohio polls, and he reassured LaTourette that the water was fine. "My numbers are great," Bush told the Congressman. "I'm going to connect with those people. I do care about them and their situation." To top it all off, Bush had a surprise in store. That afternoon he would finally nominate someone to fill the new job of manufacturing czar, which he had announced in another Ohio speech six months before.

What the President didn't know was that at that moment, Kerry's campaign was planning a surprise of its own. Tipped off by Democrats on Capitol Hill that the appointment was in the works, Kerry's staff had quickly done a LexisNexis search on the proposed nominee, Anthony Raimondo, and discovered that the Nebraska manufacturing executive laid off 75 U.S. workers in 2002 while building a $3 million factory in Beijing. That might make it awkward for him to champion keeping jobs at home. Two hours before the Commerce Department was scheduled to announce Raimondo's nomination last week, the Kerry campaign did it for them. A day later, Raimondo had withdrawn his name from consideration, and Team Kerry was chortling about how difficult it had been for the White House to create even one new job. Sighed an Administration official: "It's clear these guys are pros and they know what they are doing."
I know you don't like reading this stuff, but it is great stuff to read, and geat theatre. It is part of the process, and shows the inner workings. Have you watched Primary Colors?
I can't believe Bush didn't go ahead with the nomination. Cleveland would never have known the difference!! :D Bush's administration has neither created nor lost jobs for our nation. Fortunately for us, unlike the previous administration, the Bush administration has not done a job on the nation, nor had a job done on him in the oval office! :eek:
It doesn't bother me to read this stuff. That was never my point with posting opposing views to what you post. What bothers me is this: You continue the drumbeat that Bush sucks yet you give Kerry a free ride W/O looking at his record. You have presented yourself here, on this forum, as a well read expert on ranching, dam breaching, fat assed atv'ers and elk hunting, etc. Yet you cut and paste from every anti Bush, pro democrat website.

You post that veterans are against Bush, your proof one guy from from New Hampshire. You state that Bush has screwed up health care. What is Kerry's record of 19 years in the senate? He introduced 11 bills dealing with health care, none passed. He voted for nearly every gun control bill that made it to the senate floor. While a war was still going on in Vietnam, were he served his country bravely, he called his fellow troops murders, rapists and baby killers.

The war on Iraq, whether you support it or not, has gotten rid of a brutal dictator. The troops who died there and in Afganistan will be remember just as the dead from all our wars. It is a tragedy to lose even one soldiers life. Having said that to date we have lost 558 troops at that rate we would have to be in Iraq for 100 years to get to the level killed in Vietnam. I don't think the war is going badly but we don't get to see the good news. We lose more people to murder on the Streets of L.A. than we do in Iraq.

I am a veteran on the first gulf war and have a brother serving in Iraq currently, I have buddies from my six years of Army time that are now back over there doing their duty. NONE OF THESE GUYS ARE AGAINST BUSH AND ALL BELIEVE IN THEIR MISSION.

It is a free country to state your opinions freely. I enjoy the give and take of this forum. I just get tired of the Bush sucks posts you make and think I have a right to respond. Everybody has an opinion you just post stuff as if it were fact.

Very rarely do I post anything as FACT. I usually post stuff as "I think" or "it seems to me" type of stuff.

The cut and pastes are just other's opinions, that I brought to the forum, to try and start discussion/debate. I hope you don't think I wrote them or that I agree with them.

I don't know how I feel about many of these issues, and I am the smartest person here. ;) How the rest of the people can already know, is interesting to me. And even more interesting, how you can present them information that completely contradicts their opinion, and their response is to dismiss it as "liberal media", or Communist.

Hell, I even posted a long thread on Kerry, and his issues that will be a challenge for him to overcome. The thread didn't get much action, but I did post it.
In the first post on this thread tell me where you said, "I think" or "it seems to me". I looked and couldn't find it. I guess you are the smartest guy here and can sort through all these nuances but you appear to have made you mind up about Bush. You posted one post on Kerry's issues and how many of Bush.

Make a positive post regarding Bush.

Originally posted by ElkGunner:
A couple of interesting items in this article... One, is Bush digging into the polls, so he can figure out what to say in his speech....
Second is more on the guy from Commerce who should never have been considered for the position. Third, the "politics" that the Kerry camp used to make Dubya look foolish :rolleyes:
, and finally, the admission by the Bush camp that the Kerry guys got them....


You couldn't tell by the smilies and the funny faces, that these were my "opinions" and not FACTS? And the lead in "A couple of interesting items...." Doesn't "interesting" imply a value was placed on the itmes being discussed? :rolleyes:
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