Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Drop Camps in Idaho


New member
Sep 4, 2001
Looking to get some information on drop camps in Idaho.Prices success and outfitters who do these any information or web sites would help Thank You
DGMalone, go to www.ioga.org and just start checking them out.

That's the offical Idaho Outfitters & Guides Association. Many guides, etc., are listed there, and some take you in for "drop camps."

Also go to www2.state.id.us/fishgame/ and check their site for rules, regs, licenses, fees, etc. That's Idaho Fish and Game. Although they presently have the elk/deer kill ratios by Zones, for 2000, LATER, in 2002, they will have the elk/deer kills in 2001, by Zone. You might want to check those kill ratios before booking with an outfitter. As always, make sure to check an outfitter's references.

Idaho's a great state in which to hunt... and live. Best of Luck. L.W.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ November 16, 2001 12:35: Message edited by: Leanwolf ]</font>