Domestic sheep: Gloves are ‘coming off’ - JOMH/Gray Thornton podcast


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2015
MT —> AZ

The Journal of Mountain Hunting recently did a podcast with WSF president Gray Thornton.

This podcast starts out as some good information about how important raffle and gov tags are to funding Bighorn conservation, then dives into the problem of domestic sheep contact with wild sheep.

It sounds like WSF is growing tired of the grazer’s continued denial that their maggots kill native wildlife. I suppose only time will tell what is coming but I sure hope it is something substantial.
Take a listen.
I have the episode downloaded, it haven’t had a chance to listen yet. Hopefully tomorrow.
I listened to this yesterday afternoon. Great episode; Gray sounds like he’s definitely tired of the misinformation from the livestock industry.
He did a similar podcast on Beyond the Kill. I like the guy for sure. No bs and gets right down to the points and is definitely articulate. I am glad too that as much as they may piss some of us off, he explains how important and valuable those auction tags are.

We just need to have a few less of them here in Utah.