Caribou Gear

Do we owe them [Mexico] something?


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Northern.MEXICO
Posts: 5,480

Miss America "BOOED" in Mexico
Mexican studio audience booed Miss USA

'Mexico! Mexico!' chants drowned out some of her responses

MEXICO CITY - Many here south of the border reveled in her disastrous evening: First Miss USA Rachel Smith slipped and fell on her bottom during the Miss Universe evening gown competition. Then she was booed by hundreds in the Mexican audience.
The treatment of the Tennessee beauty queen was nothing personal. It had more to do with Mexico's sometimes tense relationship with its powerful northern neighbor.

U.S. athletes have sparked a similar response. In 2005, when the U.S. played Mexico during a World Cup soccer qualifier, the crowd booed the U.S. national anthem and a smattering of fans chanted "Osama! Osama!" during the game
You can't judge a country by a few hundred nut suckers.

"Mexican studio audience booed" & "booed by hundreds" & "a smattering of
fans chanted" doesn't mean a whole lot.

If we were judged by the same standards who knows what people would believe. It could be along the lines of . . .we all love high fence hunting, we all watch womens basketball, we hate anybody that isn't white or christian, we're all gay, we all live in northern Mexico :) etc. etc. etc.
cjcj- I can't believe mean that other countries don't like the US...when did this happen...I'm shattered. Gee, I wonder why all these countries don't like true US fashion, it must be them.
Not really. It must be that we have a preponderance of weak kneed citizens who worry about our image with other countries. Leave the image work to the state department and let the other countries think what they want. If we keep running our country trying to make the world happy we will all be working for 5 bucks a day just like their citizens do.
I wonder why all these countries don't like true US fashion, it must be them.

The Memorial celebration is over, now back to our regulary scheduled Liberal vomit.
You can't judge a country by a few hundred nut suckers.

"Mexican studio audience booed" & "booed by hundreds" & "a smattering of
fans chanted" doesn't mean a whole lot.

If we were judged by the same standards who knows what people would believe. It could be along the lines of . . .we all love high fence hunting, we all watch womens basketball, we hate anybody that isn't white or christian, we're all gay, we all live in northern Mexico :) etc. etc. etc.

True Spitz... but this was a "pagent" not a "BULLFIGHT" or a NACHO LIBRE" wrestling match.

Shows a true lack of CLASS in their "CULTURE" down there in Mexicohump

That was funny JB:D

Matt Why would Mexico hate us?
I think it's obvious Mexico loves the U.S. Otherwise, why would so many Mexican citzens be dying just to get across the border.

Is this how they show it?

GUADALAJARA, Mexico - The boos nearly drowned out “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and a few dozen fans chanted “Osama! Osama!” as the United States was eliminated by Mexico in Olympic men’s soccer qualifying.

A loud anti-American crowd hollered as Mexico beat the United States 4-0 Tuesday night in the under-23 tournament, claiming a berth in the Athens Olympics. Mexico had already eliminated the U.S. baseball team from Olympic contention.

As U.S. players left the stadium for their bus, several fans — some clutching beers — chanted “Osama! Osama!” in reference to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Who asked for your opinion on why Mexico's citizens must love the U.S.?

Nobody cares what you think.

By the way, when are you going to get over the WY elk draw incident?
Shows a true lack of CLASS in their "CULTURE" down there in Mexico

..... cjcj only hates the Illegal Mexicans... not the Legal ones.

Moosie, show me where I ever say I don't like Mexicans.

... I don't need to, you and Washington hunter post it daily :)

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