Defenders of wildlife good or bad?


New member
Dec 11, 2000

Ithaca brought up a good idea ,that someone should start a topic on The Defender's of wildlife.

Along with reading the link above I highly suggest
all you reader's go check out how that org. feel's about ,
1. The Wildland's Project -THIS is a must read.Do your own reserch as a hunter or land owner and decide for yourself.

2. Wolf's and Predator's
3. Public lands and access

4. Center for biological diversity

While I admit many of the thing's Ithaca mentioned this org. does can be seen as good ,(who here doesn't support wildlife? )you need to look deeper into the org. and see if it fit's into your idea of where you want to see this country go.
There stand on many issue I don't agree on,but un like Ithaca I think everyone should check it out GOOD and then decide for yourself.
Problem area's for me are in regards to,
Core area's,predatiors,The wildlands project ,public land's access and private property right's.
MD4M,"There stand on many issue I don't agree on,but un like Ithaca I think everyone should check it out GOOD and then decide for yourself."

Before you start lying about me again, how about quoting me saying anyone should not check out any organization before deciding for themselves. You really have to be an asshole to make a remark like the one I quoted you on above.

The link you provided to Nate Dickenson's article is interesting, so I checked out Nate. Here's a link to more stuff on him. He sounds like a friend of Sheriff Mike!

I think it's odd you should start an topic about the Defenders and not even provide a link to their site!

What are some of the "many issues" you disagree with them on?

[ 06-01-2004, 23:01: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]
Obviously you know much more about the Defenders of Wildlife than I do, as I only read their website. But I am sure you have knowledge of the motives.... But can you share with us the problem you have with them? Nothing in their "About Us" section seems to offensive. And, no, I am not worried about the Wildlands Project, as it is not mentioned on their website, and last time you told us about your paranoia, it turned out to be one man who had some goofy idea in North Carolina. Definitely not the same level of threat to our hunting and freedoms as Fat-Assed aTV riders ruining the West.

How We Accomplish Our Mission:
Defenders employs education, litigation, research, legislation and advocacy to defend wildlife and its habitat. In each program area, an interdisciplinary team of scientists, attorneys, wildlife specialists and educators works to promote multi-faceted solutions to wildlife problems.

Primary Program and Issue Areas:

Species Conservation: Endangered species recovery, Predator protection and restoration, Wild bird protection, Marine mammal protection.

Habitat Conservation: Ecosystems protection, Refuge reform, Gap analysis, Marine biodiversity, "Watchable" Wildlife programs and books.

Policy Leadership: Endangered Species Act, State and federal wildlife laws, Biodiversity education, Wildlife trade, International treaties.

Representative Accomplishments:

Endangered Species:

More than two decades of leadership in passage and enforcement of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA).
Successful plaintiff for endangered species, winning victories to enforce the ESA and expedite listings of species and adoption of recovery plans.
Founding member and Steering Committee member of Endangered Species Coalition.
Helped draft Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Participates in international CITES meetings to help protect wildlife from overexploitation in trade.
Published book on how to use incentives to make the ESA work more effectively.

Biological Diversity:

Only U.S. advocacy group to participate throughout final negotiating sessions in Nairobi in drafting international biodiversity treaty, and leader in promoting U.S. signature of the treaty.
Main organization promoting gap analysis, a habitat inventory designed to preserve biodiversity.
Commissioned national survey by Peter D. Hart Research Associates and Professor Stephen R. Kellert of Yale University on biodiversity revealing critical need for public education about the dangers of biodiversity loss.
Sponsored two books on biodiversity conservation: Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity, edited by Wendy Hudson, and Saving Nature's Legacy, by Reed F. Noss and Allen Y. Cooperrider.


A champion of wolves and other predators since being founded in 1947.
Defenders led the successful fight to restore the gray wolf to its former habitat in Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho. Almost wiped out in the lower 48 states in the past century, the wolf has become a special symbol of the wild. Defenders' advocacy efforts in Yellowstone Park drew more than 70,000 citizen votes in favor of reintroduction.
Reduced opposition to wolf reintroduction by creating a widely praised $100,000 Wolf Compensation Trust that reimburses ranchers at fair market value for verified losses of livestock to wolves.
Started a landmark program that rewards landowners who allow wolf pups to be born and raised on their property.
Works to restore the Mexican wolf to the Southwest by advocating citizen support as well as congressional funding.
Working to restore wolves to the American Northeast.
Fought to stop "same-day, land-and-shoot" killing of wolves in Alaska.


Launched a campaign to save Florida's rapidly dwindling population of black bears. The Habitat for Bears campaign recruits activists and teaches Florida residents about the importance of saving essential bear habitat.
Working to restore the grizzly to the Bitterroot ecosystem in Idaho and Montana, and to protect critical polar bear habitat in Alaska.
Wildlife Refuges:
Organized Commission on New Directions for the National Wildlife Refuge System, which identified threats to wildlife refuges, including harmful test bombing, oil and gas drilling, grazing and other "secondary uses."
Brought successful lawsuits and helped develop proposed legislation to eliminate these threats through system-wide reform.

Dolphins and Other Marine Life:

Drafted and helped win enactment of laws to protect dolphins from death in tuna nets, require dolphin-safe labeling of tuna.
Defenders won a United Nations ban on high-seas, large-scale driftnet fishing to help save dolphins and other species that become entangled in the nets and perish.
Marine program promotes recovery of vaquita porpoise and other internationally imperiled marine mammals such as Commerson's dolphin and Steller sea lion.
Strengthened Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1994 reauthorization.

Helped create a 3,700-square-mile marine sanctuary for the vaquita, the world's rarest marine mammal.

Wild Bird Conservation:

Leads efforts to encourage use of captive-bred instead of wild birds for the pet trade.
Helped draft and helped win enactment of the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992.
Persuaded more than 100 airlines to refuse to transport wild birds.
Wildlife Education and Appreciation:

Publisher of acclaimed quarterly DEFENDERS magazine.
Coordinator of Watchable Wildlife state viewing guides promoting recreational wildlife viewing and conservation of wildlife species.
Testy arent we boy's.
Anyone can find a link to The Defenders of Wildlife Ithaca,so I didn't think that was much of an issue.
On what I don't agree with them on I stated above.
It's no surprize that you and elkgunner would jump on someone that doesen't share your feeling's.
I find it funny how you say people should check things out (I don't want to put words into your mouth ---but did you mean to say they should check it out but only with the link's YOU PROVIDE)
On being parinoid LOL The only one's here that are parinoid are the one's that get there panties in a wad whenever anyone posts something they don't agree with.
("Nothing in their "About Us" section seems to offensive. And, no, I am not worried about the Wildlands Project, as it is not mentioned on their website, and last time you told us about your paranoia, it turned out to be one man who had some goofy idea in North Carolina. Definitely not the same level of threat to our hunting and freedoms as Fat-Assed aTV riders ruining the West.")

Elkgunner, I'm not sure how you missed the connection between alot of these org. and The Wildlands Project.
Try a search on Google (defenders of wildlife and the wildlands project)
Biodiversity, General
Conservation International
Defenders of Wildlife
National Audubon Society
National Wildlife Federation
The Nature Conservancy
Sierra Club
Wildlands Project
World Resources Institute
World Wildlife Fund "
"Is Biodiversity a bad word? Why the paranoia?"

I never said the word is bad ,Or the concept.
It's the scale that some of these group's and people want to take it that I have a problem with.

Elkgunner ,are you saying that this whole concept of The Wildlands Project isnt valid?

"What don't you agree with them about on the public lands access issue?"

Ithaca, see The Wildlands Project!!!!!

("In January 1997, ROAD-RIP changed its name to the less abrasive Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads, Wildlands CPR. According to information released by the organization, "Our focus is specific: Wildlands CPR seeks the protection and recovery of large-scale wilderness and biodiversity by removing roads and preventing new road construction on public lands." The Wildlands Project and the Biodiversity Legal Foundation, "a non-profit organization which pursues aggressive legal strategies to preserve native wild plants and animals, communities of species ecosystems, and natural landscapes", lead the Wildlands CPR coalition.
Claiming that, "THE ROAD TO WILDERNESS RECOVERY…IS NO ROAD AT ALL," Wildlands CPR maintains that the best road density goal for maintaining and restring ecological processes is, "ZERO-NO ROADS AT ALL." Their definition of a road "includes everything from interstate highways down to two-track logging roads, off-road vehicle trails, and snowmobile routes." By using TWP vision maps, Wildlands CPR is targeting the roads necessary for closing in order to bring about large-scale North American wilderness recovery.
Believing that, "In order to assure the connectivity that TWP envisions, we need to close roads-lots of roads-…" Wildlands CPR maintains that a program like theirs is essential to the success of The Wildlands Project. Klungness and Scarborough write that Wildlands CPR, "will help make the grand vision of The Wildlands Project a reality, piece by roadless, interconnected piece."")

If both Elkgunner & Ithaca care to look I see The Defender's of Wildlife are listed as one of the speaker's.

"Keynote speaker will be Dave Foreman. Other presenters, besides the hosts, include: the Arizona State Museum; U.S. Forest Service; Malpai Borderlands Group; Nature Conservancy; National Park Service; Sonoran Institute; Gray Ranch; World Wildlife Fund; Center for Biological Diversity; Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory; Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection; Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Protection Plan; University of Arizona;Defenders of Wildlife ;Arizona Open Land Trust; National Resource Conservation Service; a conservation biologist, a jaguar researcher, and a Coronado Forest rancher."

[ 06-02-2004, 15:19: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]
"Biodiversity" Bambi and EG, I think you're on to something there. It must be because it's such a big scarey word. :D Biodiversity sounds like some kinda liberal plot. ;)

[ 06-02-2004, 22:11: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]
Obviously you know much more about the Defenders of Wildlife than I do, as I only read their website. But I am sure you have knowledge of the motives.... But can you share with us the problem you have with them? Nothing in their "About Us" section seems to offensive. And, no, I am not worried about the Wildlands Project, as it is not mentioned on their website, and last time you told us about your paranoia, it turned out to be one man who had some goofy idea in North Carolina. Definitely not the same level of threat to our hunting and freedoms as Fat-Assed aTV riders ruining the West."

So we get no answer from either of you?
Are you saying that The Defenders of Wildlife are not involved in The Wildlands Project?
Or that you don't believe there is such a thing as The Wildlands Project?
You two are always asking questions of other's ,why can't you answer this one?
MD4M, "Before you start lying about me again, how about quoting me saying anyone should not check out any organization before deciding for themselves. You really have to be an asshole to make a remark like the one I quoted you on above."

I'm still waiting.
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