Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Dart Ya A Big Un!


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Just checked the mail and I had recieved a mailer from the RMEF Texas State Convention. As I was looking through the "Exciting Prizes & Auction Items" one thing stood out of place. A Catch and Release Texas Elk Hunt. Yep, get ya a Dart Gun and you and a buddy can shoot a 330 class Bull in the ass and have your Picture taken with it. What are they thinking? Earlier this week we have a Tourney System darting whitetails for points and everyone hated that, so what does a organization that promotes Elk and the preservation of their habitat want to associate itself with such a stupid stunt? Just wanted to "Pass It On!" John:BLEEP:
I am going to call my local reps and get the story. If they are really promoting that they just lost my membership.
C'mon, you didn't really think that the RMEF was for strictly for the benefit of our average hunters did ya? They are all about the money!! And that is definately one organization I will never donate my money too.

They figure if you can dart a Rhino, Hippo, Elephant or whatever else they let you do in Africa, why the heck can't we do that with elk here? We've had debates on here about elk hunting in Texas before, and this does not surprise me. Fuggin' rediculous!!

Can't wait to see pictures of the next 500" bull coming from Texas. :BLEEP:
Just checked the mail and I had recieved a mailer from the RMEF Texas State Convention. As I was looking through the "Exciting Prizes & Auction Items" one thing stood out of place. A Catch and Release Texas Elk Hunt. Yep, get ya a Dart Gun and you and a buddy can shoot a 330 class Bull in the ass and have your Picture taken with it. What are they thinking? Earlier this week we have a Tourney System darting whitetails for points and everyone hated that, so what does a organization that promotes Elk and the preservation of their habitat want to associate itself with such a stupid stunt? Just wanted to "Pass It On!" John:BLEEP:

You have a contact number of anyone or an email contact on that mailer? I'd like to give them a piece of my mind.
Walt Isenhour (512) 273-2129 or 2187 hwy. 290 east, McDade, TX 78650.
This was the name on the Mailer that I recieved and they do have a photo of that 454" Bull taken in West Texas. John
I just tried the number nobody answered. Looks like I try again, this time during the evening hours.
Walt Isenhour (512) 273-2129 or 2187 hwy. 290 east, McDade, TX 78650.
This was the name on the Mailer that I recieved and they do have a photo of that 454" Bull taken in West Texas. John

Dang..well I guess that will work but I'd like to get an email so I have a letter or something to show Don't want to call and make a misquote. I'll go to the RMEF website and see if they have an email address for him.
This is a fuggin travesty! What they hell are they thinking?

I didn't know they had a RMEF in TX, and as A-con said it just doesn't sound right.
I can see it now.....

"Yes sir, thats right, You give me $4,000 and in return I will provide you with 2 nights lodging, a Dart gun with 5 trys and 3 ~ 8x10 pictures of you and my biggest elk I have.. (listening) no sir We figure 5 times is enough the Pen is only 24'x48'....... UHHH huh.. (listening) .. yes.... No I understand but each additional Shot after the 5 shots will cost an Extra $500, becasue there is a cost associated with our..... (listening) .....Yes sir we are close to an ATM machine...... (listening) ... Well most people don't need an ATV for such a small....(listening) ... No sir that makes sence I understand that there is an Elevation difference and I'm not judging you so $400 a day rental fee sounds fair and I'll have one hear waiting.... (listening).... Well...... (listening).... Yep, thats right sir we'll leave the fence out of the pictures and it will have pine trees in the Background......(listening) .......Yes, I know it' a long way from Texas but you won't actually be bringing and meat back, I keep the elk for future pictures.....(listening)......Yes we can Package up some Beef to send back with you.... (listening).... No sir, Jerkey is an Extra charge..... (listening) ...... Well.... (listening).... That is a good point sir, If it falls next to the fence we have a 12'x12' banner of trees that we drape over the 12' high fence that looks like the Colorado skyline or aspens or lodge pole pines. We can provide a Winter sceene or make it look like the fall time...... (listening) ..... Well, we can Provide senioritas at an Additional cost of what we get them for pluss 10% and....... (listening)..... No sir we'd never take pictures of you and them....Yes I know you're fat and Married but.......(listening)..... No we don't have sheep on the farm thats a wierd question...... (listening).... OHHH you were "joking" I thought maybe ......(listening)....No I'm not judging you and if you want some I can.......(listening).....yes sir for an extra thousand I'll have one there for you, so I'm guessing you don't want the women then right ?..... 'k........(listening)...... No, like I was saying our camera settings will allow us to change the date on the picture to Retro the date for Bragging rights for Past years or shift it to the future so it gives you time to write the story.... and we've brought in a specialty camera man from Montana that can make the same bull look like different bulls jsut by using the Angled camera lense......(listening)...... That sounds good I'll jot you down for MAy 17th, thank you."
I know.... Sometimes I even Friggin Amaize myself !!! I should cut and paste all my good/funny posts. Problem is, there isn't a Harddrive big enough to store them all ;)
It would be neat if you could post a picture of the info. you got. Several asked for that kind of thing. I got a feeling there's more to it?
I did a little homework on it. Go over to the thread I posted on it, its not at all what it looked like.
Big Disclaimer: Nowhere on this mailer does it state that the Darting of these Elk was for Research! It was printed just as I told everyone. If anyone else has received one of these, let's hear from you. They did a crappy Job of putting together their information, plain and simple. John
Thanks for mailing it to me. It doesn't look as bad as it sounded when I first read this. I'll take pictures of the flyer and post them, ok?

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